DVBSky S952 - Any Comments? (2 Viewers)


Portal Member
March 7, 2012
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United Kingdom United Kingdom

My TBS6981 gave in last week. I don't think mine suffered any temperature related issues, but I have read that they run warm. I'm against another one as I'd like to see what else is out there, I've had a BlackGold and thought it very poor.

I've found a DVBSky S952, which apparently claims to have the latest 'Montage M88DS3103' chipset, and boasts LNB-off, blind scanning, 16APSK and 32APSK for less than another TBS6981. Those features are only quoted by TBS on their 'pro' cards at more than double the cost, so what's the catch? Poor drivers? Slow channel changes?

I won't use any of the new features, but the new chipset does claim to be lower in power consumption, so my mentality is less power = cooler running.

If anyone has one of these I'd love to know how it works with MePo and how it is with S3/Resume.



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  • January 24, 2012
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    I did exactly the same and swapped my tbs6981 for one of these after it gave out, the dvbsky card is absolutely solid never fails to tune and never failed to wake from sleep so far ! ;)
    Also seems to tune a little faster and i have never had breakup on signal like i did sometimes with the tbs.


    Portal Member
    March 7, 2012
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I did exactly the same and swapped my tbs6981 for one of these after it gave out, the dvbsky card is absolutely solid never fails to tune and never failed to wake from sleep so far ! ;)
    Also seems to tune a little faster and i have never had breakup on signal like i did sometimes with the tbs.

    Sounds good. How about the temperature? Is it cool running? It says lower power consumption, but on the website it also says that it can't operate without the aux power supply which is odd as the TBS can. I guess different cards can operate in different ways...


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  • September 1, 2008
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    The power supply is most likely for powering the LNB.


    Retired Team Member
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  • January 24, 2012
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    The aux power according to the paperwork is so the cards wake from sleep more reliably on older boards which don't supply enough or correct power via the pci slot.
    I have not noticed the card get anywhere near as hot as the tbs cards but i do have a side fan right next to it so i wouldn't notice much anyway. As for power consumption as a system over all it only dropped like 3 watts after swapping the cards but hey i never bought it to save power so bonus :)


    Portal Member
    March 7, 2012
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    The aux power according to the paperwork is so the cards wake from sleep more reliably on older boards which don't supply enough or correct power via the pci slot.
    I have not noticed the card get anywhere near as hot as the tbs cards but i do have a side fan right next to it so i wouldn't notice much anyway. As for power consumption as a system over all it only dropped like 3 watts after swapping the cards but hey i never bought it to save power so bonus :)

    Card ordered. Thanks for the feedback!


    Retired Team Member
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  • January 24, 2012
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    No problem i hope your's works as well as mine does ;)


    Portal Pro
    July 20, 2010
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    Hungary Hungary
    Just wonder if the DVBSky card is still working ok for you? I will go with the single tuner version, but it is essentially the same. I wonder if it is able to provide enough power for a diseqc motor. The max power required for the motor is 350mA, I guess it should be no problem thanks to the additional power connector it has. Any experiences with this?

    I hope it is a good and card and fully supported by MP, in every aspect, including the motor support.


    Portal Member
    March 7, 2012
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Hi gurabli,

    I haven't received mine yet! The place I ordered it from were awaiting stock, so I can't comment yet unfortunately.

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