Dynamic Refresh Rate not working (4 Viewers)


Portal Pro
December 9, 2005
Home Country
Sweden Sweden
Even though it's more of a workaround than a solution I'll try with the external scripts later.

It works with external scripts (though I had to modify them to include full path to dccmd.exe).

So, I guess the question is what "W7RefreshRateHelper.GetRefreshRate: GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes(...) returned 8606222155958452224" means?



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  • July 4, 2009
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    Have same issue. I upgraded to Win8 without changing any hardware (except hdd to ssd) and now have non-working DRR :( I'm using nvidia gpu with single HDMI connected TV. I can manually switch to 23,24,50,59 etc r.rates, but MP only shows pop-up and that's all. Shift+1 indicates that RR didn't change. Using fresh win8 and mp 1.4 install with latest drivers.


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  • November 12, 2007
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    France France
    Can you supply log ?
    Because the above branch use Win32 API adapted for Win7/Win8 but it will be better to use the Win7/8 API for this (just need help from dev to fix it lol).
    So with your logs, it can help to understand what fail (more log = more easy to fix (in theory) ).

    So can you describe how is setup your env GPU / Screen connected to what output etc. and log of MP Start :)


    Portal Pro
    December 9, 2005
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    I have created a branch that should fix Internal Refresh Rate, not sure if it will solve to not using external tools and Co, but you can give a try.

    I did a /very/ short test yesterday (using MediaPortalSetup_1.4.0-36-g8491545_(MP1-4100_Rework_Refreshrate_when_using_multi_monitor_branch)_for_TESTING_ONLY_2013-07-30-02-44.exe) and it seemed to work just fine with the internal switching and a BD-rip. I'll try to find some time to do a more complete test with your latest build.



    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
    Home Country
    France France
    I have created a branch that should fix Internal Refresh Rate, not sure if it will solve to not using external tools and Co, but you can give a try.

    I did a /very/ short test yesterday (using MediaPortalSetup_1.4.0-36-g8491545_(MP1-4100_Rework_Refreshrate_when_using_multi_monitor_branch)_for_TESTING_ONLY_2013-07-30-02-44.exe) and it seemed to work just fine with the internal switching and a BD-rip. I'll try to find some time to do a more complete test with your latest build.


    Thanks ;)

    And it seems from report already done by me and vuego that on Win8, we can use a second screen not set as primary and stats are really nice :)
    This do not work on Win7 until i switch off Aero (from my testing POV) lol but if the secondary screen is set as primary then it's ok.

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