EPG Genres - UK (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
June 22, 2009
Home Country
Belgium Belgium
@Vasilich : Can you confirm with this pictures that there's no available genre data in the epg description? I can't see a dash symbol anywhere.


Thank you.


Portal Pro
August 30, 2009
Germany, Mayence
Home Country
Russian Federation Russian Federation
i can't confirm since in Titan there is no indication that genre is missing. :(
Only way i see is to use patched TsWriter file that logs all EPG data that it receives in (more or less) readable form. I have such patched TsWriter file only for MP 1.4 (maybe it will work for 1.3, but i doubt for your 1.2)


Portal Pro
June 22, 2009
Home Country
Belgium Belgium
In EPG-Capture.png from Branksome, there's a at the end of program description, isn't a 'genre' indication?

I'm not running MP1.2, I switched to MP1.3.0 (I haven't updated my sys spec, now it's done ;-) )

I also tried to watch the tv guide description with StreamedMP but there's no indication too.

How can I try your TSWriter patch to have a look inside the epg data? And by watching what's store inside tv database, there's no way to get this information? (It's perhaps too late to watch in database, I guest that the information is managed before to save only 'genre' into the database)
Last edited:


Portal Pro
August 30, 2009
Germany, Mayence
Home Country
Russian Federation Russian Federation
try ftp://vasili.ch/TsWriter.zip .
1. stop TVService
2. backup your current TsWriter.ax from "?:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\TsWriter.ax"
3. put my version there
4. create empty file in "?:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\log\TsWriter_EPG.log" with e.g. Notepad
5. start TVService and check that it stays in memory
6. run TVSetup, go to "Manual control", make sure that service still alive, select channel that you have problems with, and start timeshift with button.
7. Stop timeshift after 1-2 minutes.
8. check TsWriter_EPG.log for genre entries. It can look like this:
15-05-2013 04:00:16.904 EPG Info for channel with networkid=[0x1], transportid=[0x401], serviceid=[0x285A]:
15-05-2013 04:00:16.904 Event: id=[0x0CF0], dateMJD=[0xDC6B], timeUTC=[02:15:00], duration=[00:30:00], running_status=[1], free_CA_mode=[0]
15-05-2013 04:00:16.905 Short Descr+:lang=[deu], event=[Schleswig-Holstein Magazin], text=[Unser Land. Unser Programm.]
15-05-2013 04:00:16.905 ExtendDescr*:lang=[deu], part=[1/1], event=[Schleswig-Holstein Magazin], text=[Themen:
* Wie geht es weiter mit der Verklappung des Hamburger Hafenschlicks vor Helgoland?
* Was macht eine Naturschutzwartin auf Fehmarn?
* "Kreisreise": Helgoland und die Probleme mit dem Festland

Moderation: Eva-Maria Schmelter
Produziert in H]
15-05-2013 04:00:16.906 Genre :genre=[news/current affairs (general)][0x0200]
15-05-2013 04:00:16.906 Genre :genre=[news/weather report][0x0201]
15-05-2013 04:00:16.906 Genre :genre=[social/political issues/economics (general)][0x0800]
15-05-2013 04:00:16.907 Genre :genre=[magazines/reports/documentary][0x0801]
there is no simple way to get channel names there, so you need to check what channel has combination of NetworkID, TransportID and ServiceID that is seen bold in the first line of my example.


Portal Pro
August 30, 2009
Germany, Mayence
Home Country
Russian Federation Russian Federation
another check: open your SQL DB with any tool and check if you have any record in table "program" with non-empty field "genre"


Portal Pro
June 22, 2009
Home Country
Belgium Belgium
@Vasilich :

- I Installed your TsWriter.ax
- restart tvservice (what you mean when you say "check that it stays in memory"?)
- start timeshifting for 5minutes, seems wroking normaly
- nothing appears in TsWriter_EPG.log

Am I doing something wrong?

Hereby the TsWriter normal file if it could help

What kind tool (easy & free) to open SQL DB? Is there any password when opening this DB?

Thanks for help


Portal Pro
August 30, 2009
Germany, Mayence
Home Country
Russian Federation Russian Federation
have you overwritten your old tswriter.ax ?
have you put TsWriter_EPG.log to the same folder where tswriter-xxxx-xx-xx.log appeared?


Portal Pro
August 30, 2009
Germany, Mayence
Home Country
Russian Federation Russian Federation
then please post full log set from tv server.
Have you configured to grab DVB EPG for those channels you watch? also from timeshifting?


Portal Pro
June 22, 2009
Home Country
Belgium Belgium
Yes the tested channel in timingshifting is a channel with epg data grabbing selected.

I haven't access to my TV server now. I will post full log this evening when back to home.

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