EPG Genres - UK (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
June 22, 2009
Home Country
Belgium Belgium
Just make on more test with timeshifting and nothing written in your log file but when epg start grapping, information are written in your log.

This is an exemple of what I found :

15-05-2013 19:33:33.375	Event: id=[0xD053], dateMJD=[0xDC6C], timeUTC=[18:14:00], duration=[00:02:00], running_status=[0], free_CA_mode=[0]
15-05-2013 19:33:33.375		Short Descr+:lang=[fre], event=[Le patrimoine culturel immatériel de l'Humanité  : Les Maitres Bâtisseurs En Pierres Sèches Des Cévennes  - 9], text=[]
15-05-2013 19:33:33.375		ExtendDescr*:lang=[fre], part=[1/2], event=[Le patrimoine culturel immatériel de l'Humanité  : Les Maitres Bâtisseurs En Pierres Sèches Des Cévennes  - 9], text=[Le patrimoine immatériel du monde entier en capsules de 2'. En Belgique, 3 provinces ok.  Luxembourg, Liège, Hainaut (le Val Saint Lambert de Liège, le Carnaval de La Roche, le Doudou à Mons, les gaufres de Liège, les Macralles de Vielsalm, les mar]
15-05-2013 19:33:33.375		ExtendDescr*:lang=[fre], part=[2/2], event=[Le patrimoine culturel immatériel de l'Humanité  : Les Maitres Bâtisseurs En Pierres Sèches Des Cévennes  - 9], text=[ionnettes de Liège, les boulets de Liège, le marché 1900...) = 20 capsules belges + 75 françaises disponibles.]

but I thing that this epg log is really poor in information... bad provider ;-)

and in attachment, you'll find all the log files

Thanks for help


Portal Pro
August 30, 2009
Germany, Mayence
Home Country
Russian Federation Russian Federation
so as you see, there is no genre information provided in DVB EPG, so your provider is to blame :)
At least now you know that you won't get genre info from DVB, and can try to find any source for WebEPG or XmlTv EPG plugins


Portal Pro
June 22, 2009
Home Country
Belgium Belgium
Of course! No EPG grabbing while timishifting! I didn't think about that option!

Thanks a lot for your time and help. I'm gonna check how work webepg and xmltv epg plugins to see if I can find a better provider for Belgium channels.

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