I fixed the problem by deleting my TV logos. I had hundreds of fairly high quality .png logos. I then replaced the logos with lower quality images. It appears that MePo has a limit on how much image data it can cache at startup.
Hi ltfearme and all other MePo users,
I have still this issue "Error ... failed to load your skin". Now I have had an idea: I wanna install StreamedMP. Than start the basic home editor and make a basichome.xml for my needs. Than make a backup or copy of all skin related xml files, png files and so on out of the subdirectory "StreamedMP". Than uninstall StreamedMP again. Than copy all backed-up files (the skin related xml files, png files and so on) into the skin sub directory. Could this work?
By the way: yesterday I uninstalled StreamedMP with the standard Windows software tool. After that I couldn't get into the "plugins section" in the MePo configuration anymore. I got an error message. So I reinstalled StreamedMP again and then I could get into the "plugins section" in the MePo configuration again.
What files do I need to get the StreamedMP basic home editor to work?
I have now updated to Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit (made a clean install). But I have still this error message "Error ... failed to load your skin". Someone any ideas?
What's the best way to uninstall StreamedMP and install it again?
or times you move into German forum - to be able to understand better.
also because you can be helped.
I do not understand why more of the talking is 1.3/1.3 rc - Sat where we are already 1.5 ?
it is about a mod that only works with 1.3?
assume here a "cheap" lapsus as source of error.
install on my testcomputer and I deinstall skins without break from mod to original and back again - and secured with clear skin back again - never problems! (references.xml)
oder bewege dich mal ins deutsche forum - um besser verstehen/verständnis zu haben.
auch da kann dir geholfen werden.
vermute hier einen "billigen" lapsus als fehlerquelle.
auf meinem testrechner install und deinstall ich skins ohne pause von mod bis original und wieder zurück - mit löschen und gesichertem skin wieder zurück - nie probleme !
I changed from Windows XP to Windows 7. That's the reason for the clean install. I already posted the log file in the first post but no one could help.
I didn't change so far to 1.5 because there are a few plugins that I'm missing so far for 1.5.
OK one last thing.
Yesterday I have tested again on my htpc with Windows 7 Mediaportal 1.3RC. I started Mediaportal in debug-mode (with the option "report a bug to a skin designer or plugin developer") and Mediaportal started with the skin StreamedMP. No error message ""Error ... failed to load your skin"!
Then I have tested on my laptop (Windows XP Mediaportal 1.5). The same here. I started Mediaportal in debug-mode (with the option "report a bug to a skin designer or plugin developer") and Mediaportal started with the skin StreamedMP. No error message.
I think that I have now found the issue. Only when I install the myvideoredo plugin I get this error. Before installing myvideoredo everything worked fine. Attached the XML files of the myvideoredo plugin for StreamedMP. I'm sure there is someting wrong with these XML files, isn't it?
I already asked in a german thread for the correct XML files or can I get these files here?