Ever see the skin Retro for xbmc? (1 Viewer)


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  • February 23, 2005
    Tulsa, OK
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    United States of America United States of America
    Since the screenshots aren't here any longer - did one of the two possibilities look like this?


    and this?



    New Member
    September 3, 2006
    Donating graphics

    Hello Mediaportalskinners

    I've decided to give away all original gfx for the skin Retro I made for xboxmediacenter way back. Beeing that there are so many talented people out there I'm hoping this can be a push to get started on a skin.

    As you can tell from this thread MrMario64 has done some initial work on it a long time ago. I have never personally seen the result of his work but I'm sure it has the quality it needs.

    Anyone willing to take it and rip it apart or create a new skin from it, feel free . If so, a credit would be fun but absolutely not required. Do whatever you want with it as long as you don't hurt anyone and If you really get in to it I could try to dig up the original Illustrator/Photoshop files aswell.

    The ~6.7Mb file containg all the uncompressed graphics an all the old xbmc xml-files (which are of little or no use in mediaportal i know) I could find can be downloaded here: http://rapidshare.de/files/29536853/...Combo.rar.html (It's a bit of a hassle, but it free) and you can find some really old previews above in theis thread.

    If the file at rapidshare isn't available just pm me here and I'll up it again.



    Retired Team Member
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  • April 22, 2004
    I´d really love to see this skin for MP. It looks brilliant.
    Floink thanks for letting MP have the graphics.

    @all: hope someone will take ownership of this (possible) skin!


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