Tompa, I've no idea about your graphics hardware. Maybe it's codec related? Somebody mentioned the Nvidia PureVideo codec is good for 1080p vids - again I've no idea as never used it. Alternatively for 20 quid or so, the CoreAVC worked really well for me on Win 7.
Anyway, today I've been installing and testing Win XP SP3 on my client with VMR9 and SAF codecs, sticking with Win 7 on the server and so far (just as Kotik mentioned) it works beautifully for all my videos (mpeg2 and H264), standard definition TV streams and all DVD's (so far) with my TV set to 720p, 1080i and 1080p resolutions. Only thing I haven't tested is any 1080i content or HD TV as I only have DVB-T, not satellite.
Must admit I didn't want to use XP as I do like Win 7 a lot and it's obviously the future, but for my specific hardware, MediaPortal on Win XP is a winner. And it's a lot lighter, making it perfect for my client installations.
So as alluded to previously, looks like the ION hasn't got quite enough grunt to utilise EVR at 1080p, or the nVidia driver isn't quite up to scratch. I'll be keeping an eye open for the next generation ION's and will hopefully be able to test one when released. And of course I'll report back any findings if anyone's interested.
Once again, thanks to everyone for your thoughts and comments, very much appreciated.
I really shouldn't tempt fate but......right now I have a perfect setup! Woo hoo!!
Even if you think they should be up to the task they are in fact not. This has been mentioned several times in other threads.I'm not able to put xp on the system and I think this is a bit drastic when the system+software should be up for the task.