Experimental TsReader development (5 Viewers)


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  • October 28, 2008
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    and about tv playing? i'm not sure recording problem is the same of tservice lost error

    thank you

    The only live TV 'play' attempt ends with:

    2012-02-22 19:59:17.311284 [Info.][MPMain(1)]: tvhome:startplay channel=null

    ....but there's no other info I can see to explain why (and I'm not a TV server expert) - maybe you should look at the TV server logs for the same time and see if there are any problems reported at that end. I suspect you have some sort of network problem (WiFi dropouts ?) but it's hard to know for sure.



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  • May 14, 2008
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    OK, couple of questions:

    1. Does noStopMod45 work OK ?

    2. What happens with other video decoders (not LAV) ?


    TsReader Version: actual git
    LAV: Live-TV hangs pretty often while skipping forward or backward.
    MS DTV: the same

    I have to close MP trough task manager.

    Last Log Messages:
    23-02-2012 20:34:43.251 [b94]CTsReaderFilter:: Seek-> 23.097000/24.097000
    23-02-2012 20:34:43.253 [b94]seek to 23.097000 filepos:2cb1264 pid:30
    23-02-2012 20:34:43.505 [b94] stop seek: 23.200872 at 24e593c - target: 23.097000, diff: 0.103872
    23-02-2012 20:34:43.521 [b10]vidPin:OnThreadStartPlay(23.097000), rate:1.00, threadID:0xb10, GET_TIME_NOW:0x4000720b
    23-02-2012 20:34:43.540 [f94]audPin:OnThreadStartPlay(23.097000), rate:1.00, threadID:0xf94, GET_TIME_NOW:0x4000721e
    23-02-2012 20:34:43.541 [f94]audPin:set eof
    23-02-2012 20:34:43.541 [b10]vidPin:set eof

    TsReader Version: noStopMod45
    LAV: picture stands still after skipping in recordings (but audio runs fine)
    MS DTV: runs fine

    succussfull skipping looks like this (above it sets both to eof instead of finding an i-frame)
    23-02-2012 20:50:12.879 [b30]CTsReaderFilter:: Seek-> 941.721000/4206.901000
    23-02-2012 20:50:12.879 [b30]seek to 941.721000 filepos:4eb1c848 pid:30
    23-02-2012 20:50:13.123 [b30] stop seek: 941.775993 at 572f9408 - target: 941.721000, diff: 0.054993
    23-02-2012 20:50:13.124 [1090]vidPin:OnThreadStartPlay(941.721000), rate:1.00, threadID:0x1090, GET_TIME_NOW:0x40012fb2
    23-02-2012 20:50:13.197 [10d4]audPin:OnThreadStartPlay(941.721000), rate:1.00, threadID:0x10d4, GET_TIME_NOW:0x40012ffb
    23-02-2012 20:50:13.677 [cb4] H.264 I-FRAME found 943.295000 
    23-02-2012 20:50:13.715 [cb4] H.264 First supposed '0' frame found. 943.175000 
    23-02-2012 20:50:13.823 [10d4]Audio Samples : 6, First : 941.926, Last : 942.726
    23-02-2012 20:50:13.823 [10d4]Video Samples : 17, First : 943.175, Last : 943.615


    Retired Team Member
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  • October 28, 2008
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    TsReader Version: actual git
    LAV: Live-TV hangs pretty often while skipping forward or backward.
    MS DTV: the same

    I have to close MP trough task manager.

    OK, thanks.

    I'm investigating the problem - I can make the downstream video decoder hang after a seek as well (sometimes).

    I suspect it's related to a problem I see occasionally on my system (for many versions) where LAV + CUVID crashes to desktop after a seek + seek (it hangs on the first seek, then crashes on the second in nvcuvid.dll) - I've never managed to work out why.



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  • October 28, 2008
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    Quick note to people building experimental TsReader versions from the Git branch sources:

    I usually commit work-in-progress (WiP)/dev snapshot versions frequently (so I have off-site backups of the current source). I try not to commit broken code, but there may be bugs in these WiP/snapshots.....it is an experimental branch ;)



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  • May 14, 2008
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    Germany Germany
    OK, thanks.

    I'm investigating the problem - I can make the downstream video decoder hang after a seek as well (sometimes).

    I suspect it's related to a problem I see occasionally on my system (for many versions) where LAV + CUVID crashes to desktop after a seek + seek (it hangs on the first seek, then crashes on the second in nvcuvid.dll) - I've never managed to work out why.


    Thanks main question is. Is this really a tsreader problem and not a LAV one? Also i'm seeing this on ATI.


    Retired Team Member
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  • October 28, 2008
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    I think the general 'hang' problem is a TsReader.ax issue.

    The crash I get sometimes with LAV may be a CUVID problem (but at least the lead up to it can be detected so I can stop playback before the CTD...)



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  • January 7, 2005
    The crash I get sometimes with LAV may be a CUVID problem (but at least the lead up to it can be detected so I can stop playback before the CTD...)

    When developing the BD support those CUVID related crashes were always caused by broken data that was sent (by BDReader.ax) to the video decoder. Make sure that PMT is always attached to a correct packet and there is no MPEG2 / H264 content ever sent on under a wrong media type. Demuxer could have few old packets in some queue that are "sneaking" into the new format.

    In what cases you are seeing the crash? On zap where format changes or on seeking? A good way to debug those kind of issues is to use a debug build of LAV video decoder (I or Sebastii can build such from latest sources) and to use ffmpeg as decoder. It will nag if the stream has some errors.


    Retired Team Member
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  • October 28, 2008
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    When developing the BD support those CUVID related crashes were always caused by broken data that was sent (by BDReader.ax) to the video decoder. Make sure that PMT is always attached to a correct packet and there is no MPEG2 / H264 content ever sent on under a wrong media type. Demuxer could have few old packets in some queue that are "sneaking" into the new format.

    In what cases you are seeing the crash? On zap where format changes or on seeking? A good way to debug those kind of issues is to use a debug build of LAV video decoder (I or Sebastii can build such from latest sources) and to use ffmpeg as decoder. It will nag if the stream has some errors.

    The crashes only happen on seeking, and they happen with/without PMT's added to the first sample after start/seek. They are also quite random.....

    (I have a LAV debug build from Seb - thanks :))


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