Ok, i obviously am not as bright as i thought i was! lol. I am trying to make a logo rule to differentiate episodes backed up to DVD as apposed to eps that are actually on my server. For all episodes that are backed up, i created a standard little avi that says "Please insert relevant TVDVD" and then renamed them with the actual episode names so that My-Tvseries shows what is backed up to DVD in the normal menus. Whats the easiest way to get mytvseries to show a logo for these files? Should i edit the file names and put DVD in them? What would be the logo rule for that then? Any suggestions / advice would be appreciated.
Easiest is to:
Create a string replacement for each such podcast you have, mark as run before.
replace: diggnation--
with: diggnation--1x
then create a simple parsing expression: <series>--<season>x<episode>--<title>.<ext>.
Note that after the string replacement the default expressions might already pick some of them up depending on their exact format, but might get the ep numbers wrong, so make sure you're new expression is prioritized higher.