Expressions/Rules requests (5 Viewers)


Portal Member
April 22, 2008
Cant seem to get this to parse correctly. My setup is
TV\Lost\Season x\S01E01.avi or
TV\Lost\Season x\S01E01-Pilot.avi

Can someone help me please


Portal Member
April 10, 2008
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New Zealand New Zealand
still no go

Yeah, I haven't figured out a fix yet, but I am now fairly convinced that the problem is with the plugin, not me. I can disable all of the parsing expressions and the parsing test will still match the same 3 or 4 folders worth of stuff. Doesn't matter what other expressions I enable or how much I tweak them - it never works for my episode formatting.

With one reply in the past few days I'm beginning to think this plugin is not as popular as I'd thought. Also with others seeming to have trouble with formats that i would have thought were covered by the standard expressions, it's looking likely to me that the plugin doesn't in fact work with RC1. Looks like a good idea if you can get it going, but might be best to leave this plugin a while until it either gets stable or gets some good documentation.:(


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  • June 10, 2007
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    Australia Australia
    Cant seem to get this to parse correctly. My setup is
    TV\Lost\Season x\S01E01.avi or
    TV\Lost\Season x\S01E01-Pilot.avi

    Can someone help me please

    Add these two expressions as type: 'Simple':

    <series>\Season <season>\s<season>e<episode>.<ext>
    <series>\Season <season>\s<season>e<episode>-<title>.<ext>


    Hi - Have been trying various mods to the expressions for the past hour now, but I can't get my files to parse.

    All my episodes are as follows:
    T:\TV\<series>\Season <season>\<episode> - <title>.<ext>

    T:\TV\House\Season 3\04 - Lines in the Sand.avi

    I have set T:\TV as the import dir, and i am using a simple expression:

    \<series>\Season <season>\<episode - <titile>.<ext>

    so what am i missing?? - for some reason "T:\TV\Top Gear\Season 7\Top Gear - [07x02] - 2005.11.20.avi" passes perfectly with this setup. Unfortunately this is the exception to my naming convention and the only folder I would expect not to parse correctly.

    Any help would be hugely appreciated as I can really see this plugin taking my mediaportal setup from "awesome" to "wicked awesome!!":D

    Remove the first forward slash, fix spelling in <title> and close the bracket for <episode>

    <series>\Season <season>\<episode> - <title>.<ext>



    Portal Member
    April 22, 2008
    Its telling me Episode not numeric for the following file names:

    TV\A-team\Season 1\S01E07 - The Rabbit Who Ate Las Vegas.avi

    episode id takes the 07 and the text after?


    Portal Member
    April 10, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    thanks Damien. I will try that when I get home although I think I have already tried this. Is anyone else using this with mediaportal RC1? I'm becoming increasingly convinced that it is not working at all, since I can disable all rules/expressions and it still matches some file


    Portal Pro
    January 13, 2008
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    United States of America United States of America
    Its telling me Episode not numeric for the following file names:

    TV\A-team\Season 1\S01E07 - The Rabbit Who Ate Las Vegas.avi

    episode id takes the 07 and the text after?

    try this regex:

    TV[\\](?<series>[\w\s'-]*)[\\]Season (?<season>[0-9]*)[\\]S[0-9]*E(?<episode>[0-9]*) - (?<title>[\s\w',-]*)\.(?<ext>[^.]*)

    i think the simple expression failed because "A-team" has a "-" in it. So, if this regex doesnt work, try deleting the dash in A-team.

    while i'm at it heres the regex for a 2 episode file with the format TV\Series\Season 1\S01E01&E02 - Title.avi
    TV[\\](?<series>[\w\s']*)[\\]Season (?<season>[0-9]*)[\\]S[0-9]*E(?<episode>[0-9]*)&(?<episode2>[0-9]*) - (?<title>[\s\w',-]*)\.(?<ext>[^.]*)

    and finally, for files without a title:

    TV[\\](?<series>[\w\s']*)[\\]Season (?<season>[0-9]*)[\\]S[0-9]*E(?<episode>[0-9]*)\.(?<ext>[^.]*)

    if you dont have your series files in a "TV" folder just remove the TV[\\] in the regex.


    New Member
    April 29, 2008
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    Norway Norway

    I'm wondering how I can add my One Piece episodes (which are not dividied into seasons). There's about 300 episodes, and I don't know how to add it without it thinking that "0" or 1 or 2 digits are special episodes, while those 3-digit episodes starting with 1 and 2 are treated as season 1 and 2.
    Any help would be appreciated!


    Portal Member
    April 24, 2007
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    If you look at Online TV Database - An open directory of television shows for HTPC software and search for "one piece" you will find several variants including one titled "One Piece (All in 1 season)"

    So what you have to do is specify in your file name that this series is One Piece (All in 1 season) and all the files are season one. eg.

    One Piece (All in 1 season) S01E175.avi

    Now, the parsing part will depend on which expressions you are using.


    Retired Team Member
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  • December 6, 2004
    If you look at Online TV Database - An open directory of television shows for HTPC software and search for "one piece" you will find several variants including one titled "One Piece (All in 1 season)"

    So what you have to do is specify in your file name that this series is One Piece (All in 1 season) and all the files are season one. eg.

    One Piece (All in 1 season) S01E175.avi

    Now, the parsing part will depend on which expressions you are using.

    God no. An entry like that will certainly be deleted as its duplicat, so you shouldnt rely on it. In fact, Scoop you should report the duplicate over at their forums.

    You should add string replacement for one piece to replace with something like one piece 1x (hard to know without an actual filename of yours) and the at import time choose absolute ordering. Of course I dont know if absolute is maintained at and I also think anything but aired ordering is kinda broken in the plugin currently. So this may or may not work.

    The point is, don't rely and certainly don't create duplicate shows to suit you'r needs!


    New Member
    April 29, 2008
    Home Country
    Norway Norway
    Right now they are labeled "One Piece - 001.avi". Tried using "1x001" etc, but to no avail. Renaming them is no problem. I'm using standard expressions for parsing.
    I will try using "S01Exxx" aswell, but if not 1x001 worked properly, I doubt that will either? Does the original expression support three digit episodes? (I don't understand it)

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