An entry like that will certainly be deleted as its duplicat, so you shouldnt rely on it. In fact, Scoop you should report the duplicate over at their forums.
The point is, don't rely and certainly don't create duplicate shows to suit you'r needs!
Part of the problem with Anime is that they are not shown in seasons. There are currently 5 different entries for One Piece on thetvdb and the one mentioned above is probably the best because, for a start, it is complete. Two of the others ("One Piece" & "One Piece (Japan)") are very incomplete - much less than half the episodes listed. The other two ("One Piece (Arcs)" & "One Piece (Sagas)") have split the episodes into series that seem to be up for interpretation.
Probably a discussion for the forums on thetvdb but perhaps the three complete listings could get merged into absolute order, DVD order and Aired order - but which one would be which? I certainly don't care as it is not a show I watch.