Expressions/Rules requests (4 Viewers)


New Member
March 12, 2009
Home Country
France France
Hi !

After read this forum section many times, my regex expression no work for my all files. And now it's time to me to ask you for help.

This is my structure and existing samples for series and anime :

series Structure :

\serie\season\serie season.episode - title.ext

Samples (with title, unknown title, special episode):

\Doctor Who\S1\Doctor who 1.01 - Rose.avi
\Doctor Who\S1\Doctor who 1.02.avi
\Doctor Who\Specials\Doctor who 0.02 - L'invasion de Noël.avi

Anime Structure : Same but no season, and sometimes many episode in 1 file.

\anime\anime episode - title.ext

Samples :

\Naruto\TV\Naruto 001 - Et voici Naruto Uzumaki.avi
\Naruto\TV\Naruto 002.avi
\Naruto\TV\Naruto 203-204-205.avi
\Naruto\OAV\Naruto 001.avi
\Naruto\Films\Naruto 001.avi

\Naruto shippuuden\Naruto Shippuden 001.avi

Thanks for your help. and excuse me for my english.


New Member
March 12, 2009
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United States of America United States of America
noob question: I would like to use beyond tv to record all my shows and then my-tv series to parse them and play them in mp.right now, I manually import shows to get artwork etc.. what i want to know is if there is an expression that will work with btv's format?


Portal Member
November 9, 2008
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United Kingdom United Kingdom
When I tried to import a new series today, I opened up the MP-TV Series config and found it looked and behaved differently to the last time. I had not installed any new versions of the plug-in as it was almost perfect before. Now it will not successfully parse any series with more than one word in the title.

Eg: Seinfeld - OK, automatically parsed. Fawlty Towers - Not autmatically parsed (although it was previously fine). The season ID column contains all the words in the series name after the first one (in this case "Towers"), followed by the season number ("Towers 1"). The rest of the columns are correct.

I had been using the following expression without problems for all my series:

<series> <season>.<episode> - <title>.<ext> (eg. "Seinfeld 4.07 - The Bubble Boy.mpg", etc)

Any ideas on an expression that will work properly now?

EDIT: I entered the name of each series that would not parse into String Replacements and replaced the spaces between the words in the series name with an underscore. Eg: "Fawlty Towers" was replaced by "Fawlty_Towers".

An easy way to get around this problem without actually having to rename all your files manually.:D


Portal Member
March 14, 2009
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Norway Norway
There are a few variant among anime, mostly from older series...

[AHQ] GunGrave - 01 - Destroyer in The Dusk.mkv

...however this is by far the most common format, and is usually present on newer series.


What they have in common, is that you will never ever see the season in the filename. Infact the whole idea of seasons seem to be lost on the fansubbers. So a solution to that would be nice :) Preferably without having to place the files in season folders.

But back to the the last code block. An expression that would easily parse the most common format woudl be very helpful in relieving the massive pain in the ass it is to import a large anime collection into TV Series.

Keep in mind some episodes have v2/v3/etc after the name to designate that the ep has been updated/fixed (ex. [DB]_Bleach_143_v2_[0D9FBCB2].avi). Also the hash check at the end could cause all kinds of problems. Luckily, if you manage to ignore everything in brackets you solve both the fansubber [DB] and the hash [0D9FBCB2] at once :)


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  • October 17, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    ok... i've read the whole thread and this thing is drivin me crazy...

    i finally made my webEPG and tvServer recording series with the title of the episode. but... the file i get out of the record:

    "Series name\German Title (english title).ts"

    you see... the "series name" is the folder, then the episode title out of the EPG. Unfortunately, the episode title includes the german and english title.

    Can anybody help me? My tries look like this:



    Is it possible to gather information out of series name and title? (sorry, i'm new to the TVSeries plugin)


    Portal Member
    January 29, 2008
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    I'm trying to get this regex to work, but I can't get it to. A lot of my collection is in this format with only few changes so a working regex for this would be wonderful! Any help is really appreciated.


    for this format:


    It works, kind of. In ½ of the cases, it parses the correct series name and episode, but in the other ½ it doesn't. :confused: Also, it fails on season.

    How is it possible to ignore season?


    Portal Pro
    May 1, 2008
    I'm trying to get this regex to work, but I can't get it to. A lot of my collection is in this format with only few changes so a working regex for this would be wonderful! Any help is really appreciated.


    for this format:


    It works, kind of. In ½ of the cases, it parses the correct series name and episode, but in the other ½ it doesn't. :confused: Also, it fails on season.

    How is it possible to ignore season?



    Portal Member
    January 29, 2008
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    I'm trying to get this regex to work, but I can't get it to. A lot of my collection is in this format with only few changes so a working regex for this would be wonderful! Any help is really appreciated.


    for this format:


    It works, kind of. In ½ of the cases, it parses the correct series name and episode, but in the other ½ it doesn't. :confused: Also, it fails on season.

    How is it possible to ignore season?


    Thank you very much for the input but that does not work either. It results in series name: "bounen no xamdou - episode [][hash and random episode and season from the hash.


    Portal Pro
    May 1, 2008
    I'm trying to get this regex to work, but I can't get it to. A lot of my collection is in this format with only few changes so a working regex for this would be wonderful! Any help is really appreciated.


    for this format:


    It works, kind of. In ½ of the cases, it parses the correct series name and episode, but in the other ½ it doesn't. :confused: Also, it fails on season.

    How is it possible to ignore season?


    Thank you very much for the input but that does not work either. It results in series name: "bounen no xamdou - episode [][hash and random episode and season from the hash.

    i bet you didn't move the regexp to the TOP of the list... because the one i listed works for me in Expresso validating it with your filename given.

    series: Bounen_no_Xamdou
    episode: 01
    ext: mkv


    Portal Member
    January 29, 2008
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden

    Thank you very much for the input but that does not work either. It results in series name: "bounen no xamdou - episode [][hash and random episode and season from the hash.

    i bet you didn't move the regexp to the TOP of the list... because the one i listed works for me in Expresso validating it with your filename given.

    series: Bounen_no_Xamdou
    episode: 01
    ext: mkv

    Well, thank you! :D Also thanks for the tip about Expresso, will look into that. Now my only problem is that I can't move the expressions as the arrows is greyed out, I have to manually copy the expressions and add in a new field under the new expression, or enable/disable the scripts all the time :mad:

    Also, is it possible to make MP-TV Series to assume that no <season> is season 1? Or make the regex set <season> to 1.

    EDIT: I solved the season thing.

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