Expressions/Rules requests (1 Viewer)


New Member
February 16, 2009
Home Country
Switzerland Switzerland
Hi everyone,

I'm having problems setting the following regex rules for importing up:

My Series are structured in the following way

Series Name <dir>
|__Season Name <dir>
........|__1. Episode Name.avi
.............2. Episode Name.avi
.............3. Episode Name.avi
.............4. Episode Name.mkv

Most of the extensions are avi, but sometimes there is a mkv too.

So basically expressed with words, a folder named after the series holds folders withe the names of the Seasons (Season 1, Season 2, Season 3....). Those season folders hold all the episodes of the season, sorted in a numeric way (1. Pilot.avi, 2. Allen.avi, 3. Cell Check.avi,...), and hold the Episode Title after the numeric sorter.

I did not figure out just yet how the regex is working, but help would be much apreciated.

Thanks a lot,


Portal Member
October 1, 2008
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Sweden Sweden

I use SABnzbd to automatically download and unpack my TV-series.
Lately I have discovered a rather annoying issue with My TVSeries and SABnzbd:

When SABnzbd has finished the download it creates a folder that starts with _UNPACK_ and after that the name of the file thats been downloaded. for example: "F:\TV\My Name Is Earl S04\_UNPACK_My Name Is Earl - 4x13 - Orphan Earl"
SABnzbd unpacks in this temporary directory and then move the files to the root folder, in this case "F:\TV\My Name Is Earl S04" and after that the folder starting with _UNPACK_ is deleted.
My problem is that when SABnzbd is unpacking the files, My TVSeries is parsing the file thats being unpacked, and when the fully unpacked file is moved to the root folder its being parsed again. And the result is that I have the same file parsed twice with two different paths. So when I look in My TVSeries in MP I can se two "13: Orphan Earl", one thats correct with the right filesize and one thats not working that has 0kb in size.


File 1: "F:\TV\My Name Is Earl S04\_UNPACK_My Name Is Earl - 4x13 - Orphan Earl\My Name is Earl S04E13.avi" 0kb in size and not working, shows as "13: Orphan Earl" in MediaPortal.
File 2: "F:\TV\My Name Is Earl S04\My Name is Earl S04E13.avi"179mb in size and fully working, shows as "13: Orphan Earl" in MediaPortal.

So my question is: Is there any RegEx that can make My TVSeries to ignore all folders with UNPACK in its name so the temp files not get parsed.
Or does anyone have any other sollution ?



Portal Member
February 5, 2008

I need a parsing expression for the series 90210, the new one. I have asked this a while back, but didn't get any expression that worked. I have looked at all expression that has been suggested in the thread but none works.

My file structure is like this:


I really hope someone can help me!


Portal Pro
December 24, 2005
Home Country
Sweden Sweden
Well, I use this expr. for daily shows, the problem is that thetvdb expects them to be in the format 2009-02-14 i.e. with dashes and most files uses dots. so having mp-tvseries do some reformating would help


Oh, and I almost forgot, I have to use a really old db file to get this to work otherwise the episode don't show up even tho they're parsed properly.

Okay, I'd add in a request for this too what do you mean about using a old db file? Is there any way to get this to work with the newest release?

In the meantime, while this isn't working, how do I import seasons with more than 100 episodes, like this: Donald Duck - Short Films: Season 1 Episode List
- guess it should be possible to edit one of the default expressions somehow?

with really old i mean a db file made with a pre 2.0 svn version tv-series.dll, don't really remember which one.

yes, it's not that hard. you should be able to find it in this thread somewhere, it' a common question.


Portal Pro
December 9, 2008
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Portugal Portugal
I have 1 triple episodes and 1 quadruple episode.

ex: top.gear.s01e01-e02-e03.avi
ex: top.gear.s01e01-e02-e03-e04.avi

Is there any possibility to work with more than double episodes?


Portal Member
February 8, 2009
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United States of America United States of America
I'm trying to get BeyondTV recorded shows to show up correctly in MP-TV Series. I used the script suggested by Patrick back on page 8 of this thread:


MP-TV Series recognizes the series from BeyondTV anc creates an entry for it, however, it does not recognize any of the episodes. I realize from earlier posting it will only recognize the episode if the date on the BeyondTV file matches the first aired date, but it so far is not getting any episodes at all.

Does anyone have some help?


Portal Member
February 15, 2009
Home Country
Wales Wales
Hi - I posted elsewhere before i found this bit - and i still need help.

TVSeries add references to both my video_ts.ifo (which i want) but also to vts0_1.ifo (which i dont)

my directory structure is like this:

Q:\buffy the vampire slayer S03E02\video_ts\video_ts.ifo

and i use a simple expression to parse:

<series> ~ S<season>E<episode>

which works great - EXCEPT that i have a doubler of every episode in TVSeries

Can anyone help with an expression either simple or regular

thanks in advance



Portal Member
February 15, 2009
Home Country
Wales Wales
thanks m8 - your a star

<series> ~ S<season>E<episode>\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.IFO

does indeed work!


Portal Pro
February 28, 2008
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands

I have four seasons of American Dad on my HDD. Although, the filename is as following:
01-01 - American Dad - Pilot.avi
01-23 - American Dad - Tears of a Clooney.avi

By the way, it's in a structure like this:
<search root>\American Dad\Season 1\<the files>

Where the first two digits are the season number and the other two digits the episode number.

I have tried this but it doesn't work:
<series>\Season <season>\Episode 0<season>-0<episode> - <series> - <title>.<ext>

MyTVseries is unable to parse these files default. Is there anyone who can help me with a parsing expression for this?


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