If it works, it should work for both
G:\My Series\Charmed\Season 01\Episode 01\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.IFO
G:\My Series\Charmed\Season 01\Episode 02-03\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.IFO
If it works, it should work for both
G:\My Series\Charmed\Season 01\Episode 01\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.IFO
G:\My Series\Charmed\Season 01\Episode 02-03\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.IFO
It works!![]()
How did other people solve this problem? Sure that I'm not the only one with series from ripped dvd.
(?<series>[^\\$]*)\\Season (?<season>[0-9]{1,2})\\Episode (?<episode>[0-9]{1,2})(?:-(?<episode2>[0-9]{1,2}))?.*\\VIDEO_TS\\VIDEO_TS.IFO