Expressions/Rules requests (4 Viewers)


Portal Member
March 4, 2007
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Canada Canada
Thanks Wolf,

Yes, there is brackets in the filename, see the above example.

I replaced out the portion of Inker's sample with yours and get the same "too many )'s" error.

I tested your sample for the 'shortest version', and I get the error "Unrecognized Grouping Construct".

I just downloaded the latest SVN and get the same error using it as well.

Any ideas?



Portal Pro
April 20, 2005
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United States of America United States of America
Just reading back through the post, and I missed this suggestion from inker:


I run this regex through the parsing test and get an error:

"Cannot use the following expression parsing " and then the above regex, "too many )'s"

Can someone help me out with fixing the syntax, I was trying a few different fixes and couldn't get anything to work.

This is to parse a show with the following format:

NUMB3RS-(The Janus List)-2007-05-18-0.avi

Getting that should fix my problem, and most of my episodes recorded in BeyondTV should work.





Retired Team Member
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  • December 6, 2004
    There is more and more threads about parsing problems. This is what this thread is for, please use it!

    Any further threads about parsing problems that are not in this thread will be deleted.

    Also, please if somebody made an expression for you that works, add it to the Expression exchange thread, nobody seems to do this. I know your excited once your series import, but please take 5 minutes so other people won't have to ask the same question again.

    Thank you.


    Portal Member
    June 19, 2006
    Greenville, SC
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    United States of America United States of America
    I'm currently getting my episodes coming out with something like this:
    CSI_Crime Scene Investigation-EP00380341x118-Gentle,

    the way MP is set up to save the file is <title>-<series>x<episode>-<name>.

    mostof what I'm getting makes sense but the TV series plugin get stuck on the series portion. It parses the "EP00380341" as the series number and the tv series plugin doesn't recognize it. I'm not sure what all those number means or how to get it to parse correctly. any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


    Portal Member
    December 13, 2007
    A series I have is named as so: Cowboy_Bebop_-_01_-_Asteroid_Blues_-_[niizk](278822a5).mkv
    Another is: Band.of.Brothers.Ep01.2001.720p.HDDVD.DTS.x264-ESiR.mkv

    How would I edit MPTV to recognize this?


    Portal Member
    September 29, 2007
    Home Country
    England England
    Ok Quanfer,
    these two expressions should parse atleast the two examples that you have posted.

    this is for cowboy bebop:

    Make sure you add it as a rexexp rule, and also under String Replacements, make sure there is a rule that replaces _ with <space>, but make sure that it does NOT run before mathcing.

    For Band of Brothers:

    And for this one, make sure there is a String Replacements Rule that converts . into <space> and it does not run before matching also.

    Hope this helps, and if it does, like Inker said post them in the Expression Exchange Thread!!!



    Portal Member
    December 13, 2007
    Band of Brothers expression


    Thanks for replying to my request. I didn't test out cowboy bebop because i just bulk renamed it so it'd work. However, for band of brothers, I tried it out. It parses the file correctly, while showing series as 'band of brothers', and ep correctly. I think the problem here is that it doesn't read the season ID since there isn't any in the file. If it doesn't read this, is there a way to set the default as "season 1", because theres only one season?


    Portal Member
    September 29, 2007
    Home Country
    England England
    if you put all the files inside a folder named "Season 1" (without quotes) and then use this expression:

    Season (?<season>[0-9])[\\](?<series>[\w.]*)\.Ep(?<episode>[0-9]*)(?:[-.\w])*\.(?<ext>[^\\]{0,3})

    it should work.



    Portal Member
    March 8, 2006
    Little Rock, AR
    Completely puzzled

    Hello all. Hopefully I'm posting this in the right spot. I have searched and searched for my answer and cannot seem to find it anywhere. Basically, the story is this.

    I recently built a new HTPC and loaded a new install of MP/MyTVSeries. I was using these before on an older computer, but the versions seem to be different (they're not THAT old, but the interface was not the same). Anyway, I remember battling the parser for quite a while when I configured the old box, but eventually I got it to work. I tried using the same method now, with no luck.

    My directory structure is
    T:\_series\Seinfeld\01x01 The Seinfeld Chronicles\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.IFO

    I have T:\_series set as my folder, and
    <series>\<season>x<episode> <title>\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.IFO
    as my simple expression (I've also tried adding a backslash at the beginning with the same result). It seemed to work in the older version, but now, while seeing my video files, it sees too many of them (the VTS_01_0.IFO files are included when I hit Test), and nothing is imported into the XML file anyway. I don't mind messing with the regular expressions, but I haven't been able to make heads or tails of what the different components are simply by seeing examples.

    Any help?


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