Fan Art in TV-Series on StreamedMP only static - does not cycle (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
January 10, 2009
Im posting it here instead of the TV-Series because this problem has only been noticed on the StreamedMP skin. I used Monochrome before and it worked perfectly on that.

I have downloaded the whole 1.5GB ish set of Fan Art for TV-Servies. When I was using Monochrome and within my TV series selections everytime I went into a TV series the fan art would randomly show me a different picture. So I could select Scrubs and see one background, go back out and in and see another. Very cool.

I've moved onto using StreamedMP because I simply love it and have noticed it does not do the same. It is correctly showing my fan art, but doesn't show me a random backdrop. Its always static.

The only thing I have noticed is within the Configuration for the plugin if i look at my catelogue of TV series, everytime I select a series in here, it shows the fan art pictures I have available. So I can select Scrubs, and using the dropdown change the artwork. This change is reflected in the main program but is still only static.

I'd also like to note that my TV series wide banners do change randomly in StreamedMP ok. It is only a problem with the back ground Fan Art.

Not really sure why or anything but just wanted to find out if this is in error, or normal for StreamedMP?

Thanks for any replies! :)


Portal Pro
January 10, 2009
Hi itfearme,

Any chance you can screenshot where that is as the only random option i can find is "Display random banners". I cant see any "Random fanart" option anywhere.

Im pretty sure im not taking a typical "man look" but you never know :)



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    Hi itfearme,

    Any chance you can screenshot where that is as the only random option i can find is "Display random banners". I cant see any "Random fanart" option anywhere.

    Im pretty sure im not taking a typical "man look" but you never know :)


    Go to the fanart page in the plugin GUI, click your info-button on the remote /F9 on keyboard and under DOWNLOAD AND USE there is USE RANDOM FANART.



    Portal Pro
    January 10, 2009
    Im afraid i dont seem to have that option. Im using the TV-Series that came with StreamedMP and its v2.0.3296. The only tabs I have on it are...

    - Details
    - Import Settings
    - Views
    - Media Portal Display Control
    - Extras
    - About

    There is no specific fanart page. Also whilst in the config for TV-Series config F9 does nothing. Am I missing something or being an idiot? or both! :)

    Thanks again,


    Portal Pro
    February 28, 2008
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    To sum it up:
    Start Mediaportal, enter MyTVseries, press F9, go to Options and change the display fanart option.

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