Hi Trevor,
Thanks for the response. Looking in the Music Fanart / Manage Fanart tab the names do all appear to match, albeit that the handler has them all in lower case so it has "coldplay" for instance though case doesn't seem to make a difference for those that work - "counting crows" is fine. The relevant artworks are all enabled too with the exception of some that were duplicated at different sizes so I've disabled the duplicates. Curiously, artwork for U2 shows fine in MP though Fanart Handler has the artist name as just "u"
Here's my fanarthandler.log:
No apparent errors. Here's my error.log - the only errors in here relate to picture browsing and some missing thumbs there:
In my main music settings for MP I'm getting album art from folder.jpg only, though I do have the same images in the tags of the files. I've also set "create genre preview thumbs" and "create artist preview thumbs" to false, following info from a tutorial thread I found on here. I have everything in one "music folder", but organised under that by Artist / Album. I also have "Disable internet lookups for cover art" set false because I want it to stick with my high res covers.
Is any of that of use?
Thanks for the response. Looking in the Music Fanart / Manage Fanart tab the names do all appear to match, albeit that the handler has them all in lower case so it has "coldplay" for instance though case doesn't seem to make a difference for those that work - "counting crows" is fine. The relevant artworks are all enabled too with the exception of some that were duplicated at different sizes so I've disabled the duplicates. Curiously, artwork for U2 shows fine in MP though Fanart Handler has the artist name as just "u"
Here's my fanarthandler.log:
28-Aug-2010 22:55:18 Info [ FanartHandlerSetup]: Fanart Handler is starting.
28-Aug-2010 22:55:18 Info [ FanartHandlerSetup]: Fanart Handler version is
28-Aug-2010 22:55:18 Info [ FanartHandlerSetup]: Proxy is used.
28-Aug-2010 22:55:18 Info [ FanartHandlerSetup]: Fanart Handler is using Fanart: True, Album Thumbs: False, Artist Thumbs: False.
28-Aug-2010 22:55:18 Info [ DatabaseManager]: Successfully Opened Database: FanartHandler.db3
28-Aug-2010 22:55:18 Info [ DatabaseManager]: Database version is verified: FanartHandler.db3
28-Aug-2010 22:55:18 Info [ FanartHandlerSetup]: Fanart Handler is started.
28-Aug-2010 22:55:19 Info [ DatabaseManager]: InitialScrape is starting...
28-Aug-2010 22:55:20 Info [ DatabaseManager]: InitialScrape is done.
28-Aug-2010 22:55:22 Info [ Scraper]: Scrape for new images is starting...
28-Aug-2010 22:55:23 Info [ Scraper]: Found 13 pages with new images on htbackdrops.com
28-Aug-2010 22:55:23 Debug [ Scraper]: Scanning page 1
28-Aug-2010 22:55:23 Debug [ Scraper]: Scanning page 2
28-Aug-2010 22:55:24 Debug [ Scraper]: Scanning page 3
28-Aug-2010 22:55:24 Debug [ Scraper]: Scanning page 4
28-Aug-2010 22:55:26 Debug [ Scraper]: Scanning page 5
28-Aug-2010 22:55:27 Debug [ Scraper]: Scanning page 6
28-Aug-2010 22:55:27 Debug [ Scraper]: Scanning page 7
28-Aug-2010 22:55:29 Debug [ Scraper]: Scanning page 8
28-Aug-2010 22:55:30 Debug [ Scraper]: Scanning page 9
28-Aug-2010 22:55:30 Debug [ Scraper]: Scanning page 10
28-Aug-2010 22:55:31 Debug [ Scraper]: Scanning page 11
28-Aug-2010 22:55:32 Debug [ Scraper]: Scanning page 12
28-Aug-2010 22:55:33 Debug [ Scraper]: Scanning page 13
28-Aug-2010 22:55:34 Info [ Scraper]: Scrape for new images is done.
28-Aug-2010 22:56:18 Info [ DirectoryWorker]: Refreshing local fanart is starting.
28-Aug-2010 22:56:18 Info [ DirectoryWorker]: Refreshing local fanart is done.
28-Aug-2010 23:22:31 Info [ FanartHandlerSetup]: Fanart Handler is stopped.
No apparent errors. Here's my error.log - the only errors in here relate to picture browsing and some missing thumbs there:
2010-08-28 23:00:55.703125 [ERROR][MPMain(1)]: TextureManager: LoadGraphic - invalid thumb(C:\Profiles\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\Pictures\2157032773L.jpg)
2010-08-28 23:00:56.140625 [ERROR][MPMain(1)]: TextureManager: LoadGraphic - invalid thumb(C:\Profiles\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\Pictures\3186728181L.jpg)
2010-08-28 23:00:56.640625 [ERROR][MPMain(1)]: TextureManager: LoadGraphic - invalid thumb(C:\Profiles\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\Pictures\2075995425L.jpg)
2010-08-28 23:00:57.062500 [ERROR][MPMain(1)]: TextureManager: LoadGraphic - invalid thumb(C:\Profiles\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\Pictures\1188889745L.jpg)
2010-08-28 23:00:57.500000 [ERROR][MPMain(1)]: TextureManager: LoadGraphic - invalid thumb(C:\Profiles\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\Pictures\25001537L.jpg)
2010-08-28 23:19:34.593750 [ERROR][MPMain(1)]: TextureManager: LoadGraphic - invalid thumb(C:\Profiles\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\Pictures\521489740L.jpg)
2010-08-28 23:19:35.359375 [ERROR][MPMain(1)]: TextureManager: LoadGraphic - invalid thumb(C:\Profiles\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\Pictures\1488271260L.jpg)
2010-08-28 23:19:35.734375 [ERROR][MPMain(1)]: TextureManager: LoadGraphic - invalid thumb(C:\Profiles\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\Pictures\3935693708L.jpg)
2010-08-28 23:19:36.093750 [ERROR][MPMain(1)]: TextureManager: LoadGraphic - invalid thumb(C:\Profiles\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\Pictures\3623207484L.jpg)
2010-08-28 23:19:36.453125 [ERROR][MPMain(1)]: TextureManager: LoadGraphic - invalid thumb(C:\Profiles\All Users\Application Data\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Thumbs\Pictures\2421537004L.jpg)
In my main music settings for MP I'm getting album art from folder.jpg only, though I do have the same images in the tags of the files. I've also set "create genre preview thumbs" and "create artist preview thumbs" to false, following info from a tutorial thread I found on here. I have everything in one "music folder", but organised under that by Artist / Album. I also have "Disable internet lookups for cover art" set false because I want it to stick with my high res covers.
Is any of that of use?