Is it possible to configure this plugin to work with the newly released Pandora MusicBox plugin to display now playing artists?
hi fforde,
There is one small problem with this, as any plugin using this method has to referance a couple of MovingPictures dlls and if the user has not installed MovingPictures then the plugin will not be loaded by MediaPortal with all the issues that go with that...
I have looked at various methods of getting round this but hit a dead end everytime. The may be an obivious method to get round this that I just dont know.
Another thought is that a small DB access dll that can be shipped with other plugins or maybe a class we can add to our pluigins might be an option.
Any ideas welcome...
hi fforde,
There is one small problem with this, as any plugin using this method has to referance a couple of MovingPictures dlls and if the user has not installed MovingPictures then the plugin will not be loaded by MediaPortal with all the issues that go with that...
I have looked at various methods of getting round this but hit a dead end everytime. The may be an obivious method to get round this that I just dont know.
Another thought is that a small DB access dll that can be shipped with other plugins or maybe a class we can add to our pluigins might be an option.
Any ideas welcome...
Just stick the logic inside it's own method and then when you call that wrapper method, surround it with a try catch block. It will throw a MissingMethodException if Moving Pictures is not there. We did something similar in Moving Pictures in the past when referencing a new MediaPortal method. We would try to call the new method and if it didn't exist we would fall back to the old.
And no we will not be shipping a separate DLL or build a special class for external access. This is totally unnecessary, various parts of Moving Pictures are designed to be externally accessible for the purpose of interoperability so you really already have everything you need. This is how the StreamedMP skin / plugin displays recently added movies on the Basic Home screen and this is how SubCentral accesses the last selected movie for subtitle downloading.
Today I tried Home Theatre Backdrops */*Home and found the search function not working ("Forbidden") - is this why the plugin does not download anything?
sorry if this has been asked before.
Now that we have the nice info service option for mp-tvseries and moving pictures to show the last added item - would something like this be possible for tv/music/... to show last added music albums and last recorded shows ?
I think this would be a great enhancement and unifying the look of the skins if we have that on most screens.