For The Record 1.3.3 Released (5 Viewers)


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  • January 26, 2006
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    Germany Germany
    6 Groups, the biggest group has all channels but is usually not used
    the group I use most has about 40-50 channels
    the smallest group has 8 channels (doesnt make a difference btw)
    That simply doesn't make sense. My smallest group appears blindingly fast, and even my largest group appears very fast.

    So I'm starting to wonder if has something to do with the logos and how our plugin caches these in the system's TEMP directory. Do you have something special running that could mess with your temp folder (some funky virus scanner for example)?

    Can you check if the live TV pannel in the Management Console is just as slow, or much faster when switching between groups there?
    - there is no virus scanner installed atm
    - I tried deactivating the "all channels" group, no difference
    - I deleted the channel-logos-> now the miniepg is working fast again!

    I did not check the management console, yet. I will try and give you feedback, tonight.



    Portal Pro
    June 13, 2006
    Home Country
    Belgium Belgium
    Thanks for the quick feedback :) ForTheRecord is now up and running! :D :D Now that I've got it working on my system I'll be able to support it fully in the next release of the Bleazle skin.
    Cool! :D

    EDIT: Oops - one more question - is there supposed to be a miniguide in 4TR? If there is how do I view it?
    Just hit OK in full-screen TV just like in standard MP. Or even easier: hit the "Channels" button in the TV home screen.

    - there is no virus scanner installed atm
    - I tried deactivating the "all channels" group, no difference
    - I deleted the channel-logos-> now the miniepg is working fast again!
    OK, so your logos slow things down. I still wonder why... I have a bunch of logos myself, and they don't slow things down.

    Is Web Access slow as well when you browse the TV guide? That uses the logos too.


    Portal Pro
    June 13, 2006
    Home Country
    Belgium Belgium
    This is the releases forum: For The Record - View forum - For The Record Releases, but by far the easiest way to be kept up to date is enter your e-mail credentials into For The Record't settings using the Management Console. You'll be e-mailed not only for a new version then, but also if something is amiss with your server so you are aware you need to intervene and fix things (e.g. No signal problems).


    Portal Member
    August 25, 2007
    Tried this but couldn't get my channels to list in order by SID (as they are sorted in TVServer).

    I grab my epg via TVServer (not xmltv). I also have a group called NEW in TVServer, but I can't see how to get FTR to pull channels from this list and in the order they are sorted. (ie: it pulls in ALL my channels in alphabetical order)



    Portal Pro
    June 13, 2006
    Home Country
    Belgium Belgium
    For The Record has no idea of SIDs as this is tuning information. What you could do is enter a logical channel number (LCN) in the Management Console and sort on that? Or simply sort them manually in the Management Console?


    Portal Pro
    November 16, 2006
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    To the DEV of this plugin, please go to the link below and fill out the form to put this plugin in the master plugin list. I hope this takes off and becomes very useful to ALL users of MP. Just copy and paste the fileds from the first post to fill out into your post, and fill them out. then anytime there is an update to your plugin, please update that post in that topic as well.



    Portal Member
    December 13, 2007
    I tried the plugin with MP1 and it worked nice. Very usefull when using the web-interface. But when i Installed the latest SVN, MP doesnt want to start the plugin (also tried to reinstall plugin).. so a reinstall of MP is neccesary (For me atleast)


    Portal Pro
    June 13, 2006
    Home Country
    Belgium Belgium
    SVN releases are not supported (yet). I'm going to look at supporting the latest SVN soon, but it will be in the form of a manual installation (after all SVN's are only for power-users and only for testing, right? ;))


    Portal Member
    December 13, 2007

    Sorry, but English isnt my native language.
    When you say "not supported", do you mean 4TR isnt going to work at all with a SVN or is it that it isnt supported to do an MP uppgrade over an existing 4TR version?

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