For The Record 1.6 (2 Viewers)

glenn 1990

Portal Pro
July 1, 2010
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Belgium Belgium
For The Record 1.6 is out since a few days.
Dvdfreak, can you update the the first post and the title?

Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    Title updated :)

    Anyone else noticed that in MP's GUI it is no longer possible to cancel a series being recorded, only single episodes, series delete only possible from FTR console.

    Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    Nope replied with pictures on FTR forum, looks that even though these are existing recording schedules, menu still shows the record option, not the do not record, so not sure at which point this is going wrong, but same result for all scheduled.

    If I then tell it to record existing schedule, then the option to "do not record" or "delete entire schedule" shows up :confused:



    Portal Pro
    June 13, 2006
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    Belgium Belgium
    Actually, it does work, but you are right that the menu option is named confusingly. Check out my reply on the For The Record forum :)


    Portal Pro
    April 20, 2008
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    Hello, i just started using ForTheRecord for the first time so sorry in case this question has been asked before:

    I imported MediaPortal channels and groups using the TV server config plugin. Now all channels within the groups are sorted alphabetically. Is there a way to keep the original order as in MediaPortal? Sorting hundreds of channels by hand is pretty awkward.

    If not, is there at least a way to backup groups and channels from ForTh Record?

    Best regards,


    Portal Pro
    January 12, 2010
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    New Windows Phone 7 client in the works!!!

    I just posted this on the 4TR site, but I wanted to make sure that everyone that had 4TR could know. I don't know if I should place this as a new thread, or in what forum, so if you tell me to make a new thread, I will, as I believe that will help with Visibility...

    I am making a 4TR client for WP7 and want your input. For more details, go here: For The Record - View topic - New Windows Phone 7 client in the works!!!

    Thank you!

    Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    I don't know if I should place this as a new thread, or in what forum, so if you tell me to make a new thread, I will, as I believe that will help with Visibility...

    Even I'm not sure where it should go on this forum, as its supporting a off site closed source project (good as it is), just does not have high visibility here.

    After a bit of thought, and switching back and forth between sites, I would create a new thread here under plugins, stating clearly this supports the FTR project, to big to be just another plugin ;)

    Hopefully the more exposure you get, will also generate more help testing\designing.

    Good Luck with this.



    Portal Pro
    January 12, 2010
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    United States of America United States of America
    Thanks so much... I went ahead and added a new thread as per your suggestion, and linked back here. I believe it may get more exposure here than on 4TR, as the MP forum seems to be much larger! Thanks for the input and advice, and feel free to leave any suggestions in the applications page for improvements. I am really eager to make this the best out there!


    Portal Member
    July 23, 2011
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    I have a split backend TV Server and a front end client - both running MP 1.1.3.

    I had this running perfectly with TV guides and channel vieiwing.

    I then installed FTR 1.6 - it was working OK but the TV guide was not working for the Australian Foxtel setup. The TV grabber that i use feeds directly into the MP Database. I therefore intended to rollback FTR until i could find a solution.

    However i have uniinstalled FTR on both the client and the server and rebooted.

    I can not however view live TV on the client - when i select to View TV in the Streamed MP front end it pauses for about 2 seconds and then returns to the same place in the main menu.

    I have checked the TV feed on the TV server and this is fine

    Any ideas how to troubleshoot this ?

    I have checked that the FTR services have been removed on both the TVS and client end and that the MP Tv server is running


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