FRITZ!Box CallMonitor v0.3.3.1 (2009-06-16) (2 Viewers)


Portal Pro
October 3, 2007
Home Country
Germany Germany
FritzBox-Plugin ist not working here with MP-1.0_RC3svn20683: notify doesn't appear while incoming call. (FRITZ.Box_Fon_WLAN_7270.54.04.59, port 1012 is open, the plugin-included test shows: succeeded)


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  • October 5, 2004
    Dresden / Munich / Maastricht
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    i have your logs on my pc now, took a short look.
    But trying to find out what's wrong, needs some testing, for this i have to create special testing version for you.
    Because i am busy at the moment with real life, this could take some time.

    Until then, maybe you could test with a clean mp installation, only rename the folder, after tests are done, rename the folder back.
    The plugin is crashing right after starting, not sure what it is right now.

    I'll see what i can do.

    kind regards


    Retired Team Member
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  • October 5, 2004
    Dresden / Munich / Maastricht
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    Germany Germany
    With renaming, i meant the installation and configuration folder, after testing delete the currently used dirs and rename the folders back.

    Yet another question, did it the plugin ever worked for you?


    Portal Pro
    October 3, 2007
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    With renaming, i meant the installation and configuration folder, after testing delete the currently used dirs and rename the folders back.
    I will rename the following folders and try a clean install with latest svn:

    C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal
    C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Anwendungsdaten\Team MediaPortal

    is that REALLY all or are there other folders to be saved? (I may/must not have to reinstall all settings and database for this test...)

    Yet another question, did it the plugin ever worked for you?
    Yes, before changing to RC3 with my previous FritzBox 7170 (now: 7270). But as described, port #96*5* is open and "Test" says "succeeded"...


    Retired Team Member
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  • October 5, 2004
    Dresden / Munich / Maastricht
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    Germany Germany
    The test only check if the port is opened and tries to connect to the box. which also works in mp in when i read your log. But the test does not try to listen to the fritzbox and there is the problem.

    Yes, those two folders, nothing more is needed. When you backup/rename the folders nothing will be lost and reverting back shouldn't be a problem.
    But that's not needed. It definitely seems to be something with the connection. Could you try to type in config the ip address of the firtzbox instead of

    I will also try to change the plugin so that it can be tested by a small external application, so we don't need MediaPortal for testing only the connection. BUT I am also not sure when I have time to do this. Next weeks. We'll see.

    Could you please test this version please and post logs again?
    Regarding your problem, i catch now also SocketExceptions in Receive() method. This won't solve the reason for the problem, but maybe the problem ;) , but the plugin won't crash at all and will try to reconnect 10 minutes later.


    • FritzBox_v0.3.2.5.mpi
      30.6 KB


    Portal Pro
    October 3, 2007
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    still not working, i tried clean MP-install, with or not working. No popping up window if incoming call...

    Now i'm back in latest svn with FritzBoxPlugin 3.2.5.mpi: not working. Test still shows "succeeded" :-(

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