Generic Keyboard/Remote Input Plugin (1 Viewer)


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  • April 2, 2008
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    Denmark Denmark
    Congratulations for the brand new version, man ;)

    By the way, I have a little issue with my own remote, and I'd like to know if somebody can guess how to solve it. Unfortunately, my "Back" button in the remote is "Backspace", so when I take my keyboard to write some text in a text box in MediaPortal, if I have a mistake and want to delete by pushing the "Backspace" key in the keyboard, the text box is closed.

    I've thought to assign the "Back" function to another button in my remote, but... I really like this key for it.
    I suppose it has something to do with telling the plugin I am on a text box... but I don't know how. An ideal situation would be that if I push "Backspace" key while there are letters in the text box, they can be deleted, but if there is no letters, then the text box can be closed.

    Any idea?

    I believe the default key on remotes in MP, for deleting text in a text-box, is pressing "0" (zero).


    Documentation Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 15, 2007
    Home Country
    Switzerland Switzerland
    For example, my remote has a button called "Fullscreen" wich originally send "Alt+Enter" to windows, but I reprogrammed it with the plugin for changing the aspect ratio of movies. The thing is that almost all the times, the aspect ratio is successly changed, but in random occasions, MediaPortal gets "windowed" (because it thinks that I push Alt+Enter).
    Sorry if this is the wrong place for this, but I would be thrilled to have a button on my remote send "Alt+Enter". I need it because of this problem. I can get out he keyboard for this, but WAF=0 as long as I can't solve this with a macro on the remote control. Is this something you could get to work with basic MediaPortal key mapping, or do I also need this plugin for it? Any tips you can give me on how to set this up would be most welcome!


    Portal Pro
    August 22, 2006
    Rotterdam, NL
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    For example, my remote has a button called "Fullscreen" wich originally send "Alt+Enter" to windows
    Sorry if this is the wrong place for this, but I would be thrilled to have a button on my remote send "Alt+Enter". I need it because of this problem.

    It depends on your remote whether you can use the KeyboardInputPlugin. This plugin will only work for remotes that emulate keystrokes. However, other remotes that are natively supported by MP use a similar button configuration mechanism.

    So, either in the KeyboardInputPlugin or MediaPortal remote configuration screen you can map an arbitrary button to the 'Toggle Windowed Fullscreen' action. You can even have conditions, so for example you could have a specific button mapped to this action only on the MP home screen, and have it perform its usual action in other screens.


    Documentation Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 15, 2007
    Home Country
    Switzerland Switzerland
    I would prefer to do it without the plugin if possible, but I guess I'm just too stupid!
    I found the toggle fullscreen action in "Keys and Sounds" in the "General" section of MP configuration and tried to change the key assignment from "X" to "*" (which my remote can send). Unfortunately, the key assignments don't seem to be editable.
    So following your suggestion, I took a look at the mappings for MCE Remote in the "Remote" section of MP config. Here I couldn't find either a "toggle fullscreen" action or a "*" key. For that matter, all of the numeric pad keys seem to be missing here. So I tried clicking the "Add" button, but nothing happens.


    Portal Pro
    August 22, 2006
    Rotterdam, NL
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    I would prefer to do it without the plugin if possible, but I guess I'm just too stupid!
    I found the toggle fullscreen action in "Keys and Sounds" in the "General" section of MP configuration and tried to change the key assignment from "X" to "*" (which my remote can send). Unfortunately, the key assignments don't seem to be editable.
    So following your suggestion, I took a look at the mappings for MCE Remote in the "Remote" section of MP config. Here I couldn't find either a "toggle fullscreen" action or a "*" key. For that matter, all of the numeric pad keys seem to be missing here. So I tried clicking the "Add" button, but nothing happens.

    This is no longer related to the KeyboardInputPlugin and thus off-topic, but anyway:
    • General -> Keys and Sounds:
      • You can change key assignments in 'Keys and Sounds' by selecting the root assignment node and then clicking in the Key entry field. E.g. don't select the Key node, but its parent node.
      • The standard 'Toggle between GUI and fullscreen' assignment is mapped to the ACTION_SHOW_GUI action. I don't know exactly what this does, but I don't think it toggles between windowed and full-screen mode. You need the ACTION_TOGGLE_WINDOWED_FULLSCREEN action for that (note that actions are listed in non-alphabetical order).
      • I don't know whether the * key is already mapped to something; please make sure you don't have two mappings for the same key. You can either delete the existing mapping (if any) or edit its action.
      • Given the information above, I would do the following: Delete any existing assignment for the '*' key, then select the Global Actions node, then click the Add button. Add a description, select ACTION_TOGGLE_WINDOWED_FULLSCREEN for Action, select the Key field and type *.
    • MCE Remote mapping:
      • You can fully expand an existing button node and then assign the 'Toggle Windowed Fullscreen' action to that button on the right hand side of the window.
      • You cannot add new buttons to MP's built-in remote mappings; the New button is only there for adding layers/conditions.
      • I guess the number keys are not in the MCE remote mapping because they act as regular number keys (and thus are handled by the regular 'Keys and Sounds' mappings).


    Portal Member
    November 7, 2011
    Home Country
    Italy Italy
    That's a great plugin, you save me a lot of time! :)

    I'm using a Speedlink SL-6399, just one question to users of this remote: when I press Media Center button (green one), it always start Windows Media Center (Windows 7). It's possible to set it to start MP??



    Documentation Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 15, 2007
    Home Country
    Switzerland Switzerland
    That's a great plugin, you save me a lot of time! :)

    I'm using a Speedlink SL-6399, just one question to users of this remote: when I press Media Center button (green one), it always start Windows Media Center (Windows 7). It's possible to set it to start MP??


    Look at "Additional 3d party checks" in MP configuration.


    Portal Member
    November 7, 2011
    Home Country
    Italy Italy
    That's a great plugin, you save me a lot of time! :)

    I'm using a Speedlink SL-6399, just one question to users of this remote: when I press Media Center button (green one), it always start Windows Media Center (Windows 7). It's possible to set it to start MP??


    Look at "Additional 3d party checks" in MP configuration.

    Did it and enabled the launcher, but it doens't work! :(
    Now Windows Media Center doesn't start, but also MP continue to not starting.


    Documentation Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 15, 2007
    Home Country
    Switzerland Switzerland
    There can be problems with this under Windows 7 or Vista if you run MP from a non-admin account. In this case, MP Configuration puts MPtray in the registry for the wrong "Current User", namely the admin user you used to run MP Configuration. The way I found to fix this is to deselect MPtray in MP Configuration and then add a shortcut to it in the "Programs - Startup" menu of the user under which MP starts. BTW, this is also the way I start MP on system start. When I used the autostart in MP Configuration, MP would also start on my remote console when I logged in via RDP for maintenance. The link in the Startup menu only starts MP for the user I have set up for autologon on system start.


    Portal Member
    November 7, 2011
    Home Country
    Italy Italy
    There can be problems with this under Windows 7 or Vista if you run MP from a non-admin account. In this case, MP Configuration puts MPtray in the registry for the wrong "Current User", namely the admin user you used to run MP Configuration. The way I found to fix this is to deselect MPtray in MP Configuration and then add a shortcut to it in the "Programs - Startup" menu of the user under which MP starts. BTW, this is also the way I start MP on system start. When I used the autostart in MP Configuration, MP would also start on my remote console when I logged in via RDP for maintenance. The link in the Startup menu only starts MP for the user I have set up for autologon on system start.

    Just tested, not working!
    Anyway it's not a great problem, it was important to me that Windows Media Center didn't start!

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