Good MCE Remote w/Mouse for $9 mapping included (1 Viewer)

Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    I have the same problem, but only with windows 7, if i try it with windows vista (on another pc) it works.

    Now we are back to that statement, take it the motherboards are different make\model, suspect some ir setting in bios is wrong, can you give me the mobo info and i will see what i can find out about its bios settings.

    I would still try other usb ports, just in case.


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  • June 10, 2008
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    finally received shipment from China via Deal Extreme (postal strike in Canada delayed it further). Slowly tinkering with it.

    Using Keyboard Input plugin:

    1. Hitting power sends to suspend mode. Hitting power when in suspend mode does nothing (was expecting the PC to power up). What a bummer! Red LED light blinks in the dongle, but no wakey wakey. I have a Rii mini-keyboard which wakes it up fine (uses a USB RF dongle) so its not the motherboad and/or BIOS.

    2. If I'm playing a video and I hit the back button, the video still plays in a small window while you navigate somewhere else. From trial and error, hitting 'x' on the keyboard brings the video back to fullscreen. Using a mouse, you can click on the small window and make it full screen. What about using the remote? Any suggestions for where should I put a new key mapping for 'x'? Or what's the equivalent "Action" for x or (Key Pressed for that matter). I have tried Actions "Show Fullscreen", "Show GUI" and "Toggle Windowed Fullscreen" with no effect. Perhaps someone can confirm?

    Any comments regarding issue 1? How do you bring your HTPC back from suspend?


    Did you fix this, there are options in bios about waking from usb devices that you may need to turn on.


    Portal Pro
    May 17, 2011
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    Did you fix this, there are options in bios about waking from usb devices that you may need to turn on.
    Don't think that is the case. My BIOS settings are set up correctly as I have other USB devices which can power on the HTPC from that same port. Even the IR receiver blinks red when the power key is pressed, but alas no wakeup.


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  • June 10, 2008
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    IR receiver blinking means the usb port has power, which is good, but doesn't mean the usb device can wake from sleep. There are multiple bios settings that relate to usb wakeup, Just because a usb keyboard can wake up a PC via the power key, doesn't mean that all the usb wake up modes are activated in bios. Have you been into bios and turned on all the usb wakeup methods?


    Portal Member
    March 21, 2012
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    IR receiver blinking means the usb port has power, which is good, but doesn't mean the usb device can wake from sleep. There are multiple bios settings that relate to usb wakeup, Just because a usb keyboard can wake up a PC via the power key, doesn't mean that all the usb wake up modes are activated in bios. Have you been into bios and turned on all the usb wakeup methods?

    I did with no success.
    Paranoid Delusion was saying that my motherboard doesn't support usb wake up (see post #63) even if wake up from usb keyboard works fine.

    I am tempted to try with another usb receiver.
    Do you think i will have the same issue?



    Super Moderator
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  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
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    I think your motherboard does support it. Post photos of your bios settings. Are you trying to wake from s3 sleep or power on from completely off.
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