1) It is true that HD Ready TVs reach resolutions until 1080i?
2) Which resolution should I set?
3) In case of 1080i, will I be able to watch 1080p videos?
I know, I'm quite confused...that is why I'm asking your help!
1) My HD Ready Panasonic Plasma can display 1080p input without issues (I get a message that it's 1080p but I guess what I actually see is 1080i) - only way to find out is to set your HTPC to 1080p and see if you get a picture or not
Having printed your guide (see two/three posts above..) I'm actually following it for the calibration.
I have one basic doubt related to the resolution of my TV (Samsung) that is conncted to the media center through the HDMI cable.
Being the TV HD Ready, I was expecting that in Windows the maximum resolution I could set would be 1280x720 (progressive). When going into the change resolution options, it shows me different possible resolutions until 1920x1080. Checking the TV guide I "understood" that HD Ready reaches resoutions until 1920x1080 (intelaced).
Three questions: