Hauppauge HVR-4400 Diseqc (1 Viewer)


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  • June 17, 2005
    Liege - Belgium
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    Belgium Belgium

    As soon as I try to scan a sat on SimpleB Diseqc port, the log contains :
    [2013-06-19 21:12:14,937] [Log	] [18	   ] [DEBUG] - Hauppauge: SendDiseq: 0xE0 0x10 0x38 0xFC 0x4 0x0 0x3 0x1 0x1 0x3 0x1 
    [2013-06-19 21:12:14,937] [Log	] [18	   ] [INFO ] - Hauppauge: SendDiseq returned: 0x8007001F - A device attached to the system is not functioning.
    Please note that if I try to scan on SimpleA Diseqc port, I have the same error message in the log
    [2013-06-19 21:39:10,355] [Log	] [16	  ] [DEBUG] - Hauppauge: SendDiseq: 0xE0 0x10 0x38 0xF0 0x4 0x0 0x3 0x0 0x1 0x3 0x1
    [2013-06-19 21:39:10,355] [Log	] [16	  ] [INFO ] - Hauppauge: SendDiseq returned: 0x8007001F - A device attached to the system is not functioning.
    The only differene is the scan actualy works because, as I understand, SimpleA is the default position of the diseqc monobloc lnb

    WinTV 7 and DVBViewer work like a charm.

    How can I make MP manage my TV card?


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    I shouldn't be the only HVR4400 user around here...
    You might be the only HVR-4400 + DiSEqC user.

    In any case, why are you using simple A and simple B? Tone burst switches are not very common...
    What brand of switch do you have?
    How many inputs does it have?


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  • June 17, 2005
    Liege - Belgium
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    Belgium Belgium

    Thanks for your answer.
    It is a monobloc twin lnb. I use Simple A and Simple B because it works with my Technotrend Card with the same LNB. Other thant that, I don't know :-/

    I tried the other settings (not so much to try) without any more succes.


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    hi mm. than what would you suggest to me ?
    I'm sorry there is no good solution for you. TVE 3 is in code freeze. The issue has been fixed in TVE 3.5. Either upgrade to MP2 with native TV, buy a new tuner, or switch to different software.

    It was working before with mp 1.3 beta
    The code has not changed, and I know other people have had problems with it since a very long time (1.1.x). I have an HVR-4400 which I was able to test with DiSEqC several years ago. That is how I know the problem and the solution. In short: if it worked for you with MP 1.3b then you were lucky.


    Portal Member
    March 27, 2011
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    I used it without any problem with mp 1.2, 1.2.3, 1.3a, 1.3b

    Problem occured when I made a fresh windows and MP 1.6 installation.

    So there should be something else we are missing
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