Help us to nail down the general problems with some technotrend cards (2 Viewers)


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  • March 7, 2008
    Groningen (The Netherlands)
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    The first rule of the other method, is you do not talk about the other method.

    Maybe a "reset" of CI would help, but there is no such function available in API. One approach could be:
    • sending PMT fails, because "slot is empty"
    • then a timeout occures in sending PMT
    • in this case: close API / HW completly, then Open it again
    Maybe this would be kind of "reset". Don't know.

    But this behaviour would have drawbacks also: You could enter a endless loop, if your card has a CI but you don't have a CAM inserted (this is what "slot empty" means)....

    And we would try to circumvent a bad behaving hardware or driver :confused:

    I shall see if we can serve this problem to the technotrend driver developers.


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    February 1, 2006
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    I have done some more research.

    I previously have use MPStandbyhandler to restart my both TT card, Stop and Start MP and TVServer.

    I no have tried a clean MP solution. Without MPSH and checked that Powerschedular shall reinit the services.

    In this setup, after return from suspend, I notice that there also seems to be a problem with the latest driver ( for TT S2-3200. With this driver it couldn't always switch between channels properly. I got an error message (No card... - 4TR error message) and had to try again and sometimes with success.

    I reverted to previous version ( and with this drive there seems to be no problem when returning from suspend. I will try this setup and see how it works the upcoming days.

    I had to go back and use MPSH to stop/start MP/TVServer. Without stop/start of TVServer it seems like the card will become inaccessible after couple of suspends/resumes.


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  • September 23, 2008
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    Finland Finland
    22162 svn is not working at all.

    There is something changed in 22162 svn compared to previous, as my technotrend 3200 is not working with FTA or with crypted channells.Previous svn 22023(I GUESS) worked, with special from this thread. Svn before that is last that worked from installation. Just a quick look for code of tswriter, there has been a lot of changes in CA detection in technotrend.cpp, i'm just wondering if there is a bug that it gives up too soon. Because when i try to tune a channel, timeout settings in TvSetup has no meaning. I get error very fast like in second, No Pmt found, or something similar.

    I have no logs as my kids were screming into my ears that make it work, so i'm back in
    Mp 1.0.



    Retired Team Member
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  • March 24, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    Hi all,

    back now :)

    Could someone provide me logs for exactly case when the current (1.0.1 final) build fails to work? The changes that were made recently shouldn't harm too much:
    - removing one retry loop (unknown slot state, fixed 1 sec) in favour of handling sending errors in ConditionalAccess (3 x 2 sec delay or similiar)
    - adding "module inserted" as to be retried should be also ok.
    - and the case "slot empty" still behaves as before

    What you should check are the timeouts meantioned in this thread before (PMT and unscrambled signal/timeshift file) to be high enough...

    I will do some further rework in TT / KNC1 CI handling:
    The code will be ported to C#, so no code and interfaces are required inside TsWriter anymore. This will make the code easier to maintain, but it won't change the logic. That's why I need your logs for error case...



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  • September 23, 2008
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    Finland Finland
    Here is some logs.


    Tuner: Technotrend S2 3200, no Conax card at all.
    Codec: Not used(tried timeshifting in SetupTv->Manual Control)
    Non working

    There was two attempts to start timeshifting in BBC World(FTA), and they
    both failed.

    If i compile my own, so that i take latest svn for all other code, except
    Technotrend.cpp & .h from 22026(or was it 22029, not as late as 22036) it works really nice here.


    ps. svn versions mentioned are versions of Technotrend.cpp


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 23, 2008
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    Finland Finland
    And you never will.... :-(

    I'm back to 22029 too. To much trouble with my cards.

    And still heard nothing from Technotrend.

    If I remember right, Technotrend is sold to katherine STB maker. I have send at least 15 mails last year about TV Pack 2008 drivers. No-one answered. Well After i pointed out that I'm Win7 betatester and i need driver for Win7MCE
    I finally got reply(and drivers), but that is an another story.

    But they are really bad for replying queries.....



    Retired Team Member
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  • March 24, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    thank you for the logs. I think problem is clear now and I should be able to reproduce and fix it :)

    I take a look on it this evening


    Retired Team Member
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  • March 24, 2007
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    Germany Germany
    please try attached tswriter (VC2008 build!)

    it does retry one time if slot state is unknown (3 sec delay from ConditionalAccess.cs), when next time state is still unknown it returns "success". this way FTA channels will work again.

    If you can confirm that it's working I will add same changes to C# side (future implementation)

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