HEVC/X265 - 100% cpu load (3 Viewers)


Portal Member
October 31, 2014
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Italy Italy
Guys, back to the original topic, did anyone try to compare MP 1.11 vs MPCHC or GraphStudio cpu load on the 3 sample files?
Just to see if, with the same codec (LAV), MP 1.11 uses much more cpu like in my case.


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  • March 24, 2007
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    Sorry for offtopic, but MP2 now supports HEVC codec selection:


    Development Group
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  • November 12, 2007
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    There will be quite big difference between 32 and 64 bit players when it comes to LAV and software decoding's CPU usage and unfortunately 32 is the slow one :)


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  • August 25, 2006
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    Hi Morpheus, great! You're gonna add it to MP1 as well?

    If you're using LAV, it already works (playing back x265 files). I think it would be cool to be able to use other filters for this format too, though.



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  • October 28, 2008
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    Guys, back to the original topic, did anyone try to compare MP 1.11 vs MPCHC or GraphStudio cpu load on the 3 sample files?
    Just to see if, with the same codec (LAV), MP 1.11 uses much more cpu like in my case.

    Using LAV 0.64, comparing MP 1.11 and 32 bit GraphStudio (with EVR renderer) on the BigBuckBunny clip, there is not much difference - they both get up to 40-50% CPU on my i7-3740QM laptop (quad-core with hyperthreading, so 8 virtual cores). MP is overall a few % higher because it has more rendering overhead.

    MPC-HC bit uses about 40-50% cpu on the same PC (this uses LAV 0.63 internally and EVR 'custom presenter').

    In all cases LAV is setup to use CPU-only decoding for UHD files (the BigBuckBunny clip is UHD).


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  • October 28, 2008
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    Just tried Lentoid HEVC using GraphStudio - it's about 25% CPU on the same PC (versus 45% for LAV) for BigBuckBunny. MP 1.11 is about the same.

    To get MP to use Lentoid instead of LAV for HEVC, open the LAV Video decoder settings, go to to the 'Formats' tab and untick (disable) HEVC decoding - it's towards the bottom of the list. Then MP will use the highest priority 32-bit HEVC decoder available in the system.
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    Portal Member
    October 31, 2014
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    Italy Italy
    Hi guys, I finally had the time for more testing and I came up with some interesting results... to solve my original problem.
    I try to sum up:
    - LAV filters in 32-bit sw (e.g. MediaPortal): that's the default setting with a fresh MP installation, and the cpu load is too high, causing stuttering with my AMD APU A6-5400K setup and x265 files; also MPC-HC and Graph Studio Next 32-bit have similar problems (but not the 64-bit versions, see next); with the "Tears" file sample, around 50-60% cpu load, much higher load with higher bitrate files;
    - LAV filters in 64-bit sw (e.g. MPC-HC and Graph Studio Next 64-bit): good performance, 20% cpu load with sample file;
    - Lentoid Strongene HEVC filter in any 32-bit sw: good performance, 20% cpu load with sample file;
    - Lentoid Strongene HEVC filter in any 64-bit sw (e.g. MPC-HC and Graph Studio Next 64-bit): good performance, 20% cpu load with sample file, maybe also a little bit better than 32-bit version.

    In the end:
    - Lentoid performs incredibly better than LAV in 32-bit environment. To enable it, as Owlsroost suggested, just:
    1. download and register the filter from http://xhevc.com/en/hevc/decoder/download.jsp
    2. under LAV video settings, untick HEVC under "Formats";
    3. check with GraphStudioNext with any x265 file if Lentoid is the default codec (pay attention to use the 32-bit version, if you want to check which codec MP will use);
    - Under 64-bit software, LAV and Lentoid perform around the same (i.e. without issues) with my setup;

    [Testing done with: Mediaportal 1.11; LAV 0.64; Lentoid; Windows 7 and AMD A6-5400K APU]

    Thanks everyone for the support, I hope this recap can be useful for other guys with the same issue ;)

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