how to shuffle music? (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
May 9, 2006
Is there anyway to properly shuffle, like Winamp Shuffle so the playlist stays in order and it picks the songs at random? I have never understood why all media centres don't have this feature. Also, why is it so slow to load a playlist with 9000 songs, other (stand alone) players are almost instantaneous.


Portal Pro
August 25, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
RICOUK said:
Is there anyway to properly shuffle, like Winamp Shuffle so the playlist stays in order and it picks the songs at random? I have never understood why all media centres don't have this feature. Also, why is it so slow to load a playlist with 9000 songs, other (stand alone) players are almost instantaneous.

Nope...I personally find that confusing as I never know what song is coming up next then, but I guess that's a personal preference. Why do you prefer it in the winamp way?

As for your 2nd question - I guess the code is just slow; the aim right now is to iron out bugs so I think performance improvements have been put on the backburner unless its absolutely vital. Check to see its on the My Music - enhancements thread at:



Portal Member
May 9, 2006
I like not knowing what song is next, a bit boring otherwise!!! Plus, I am obviously not like everyone else as I hate listening to albums at a time, I listen to a lot of different genres of music and like the change from one song to the next.

The speed issue is no big issue so I can wait for further releases of MP.

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