How to start writing your own plugin part 1 available (3 Viewers)


Portal Pro
April 9, 2006
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Hi there,

I am looking to start creating a plugin for MP.

I am using VB.NET (Express Edition). So I am guessing (as said above) that I need to install the .NET Framework 2.0 SDK, and and the client side for the plugin is on PPC so I am guessing i also need to install the .NET Compact Framework SDK aswell. What are the SDKs actually for, what extra does it give that isn't in the original Express Edition?

I am having trouble downloading the source code as said in the original documentation. I get this error:

wincvs said:
cvs -d :pserver;username=anonymous; checkout -P -- mediaportal (in directory C:\mp)
cvs [checkout aborted]: connect to failed: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.

***** CVS exited normally with code 1 *****

Am I doing something wrong?



New Member
November 6, 2007
Home Country
I've been over and over and over the plugin development guide and I can't work out what's wrong, but my plugin isn't showing up. It compiles fine, I'm putting the dll in the right place and I've even copy-pasted the code and skin XML from the tutorial to test, but still it doesn't work. I can't see anything in the documentation that I've missed, can someone please point me in the right direction? Thanks!


Portal Pro
April 6, 2006
Home Country
Sweden Sweden
Where doesn't it show up? In the cofiguration of in MP? Make sure it's enabled in the configuration.


New Member
November 6, 2007
Home Country
Sorry, wasn't specific. Well actually its not showing up in either MP or the Configuration. I can't enable it because I can't see it in the configuration, so I guess it won't show up in MP either. I've checked the logs and I can see MP/Config is finding and trying to load the dll but nothing seems to come out of that.


New Member
November 6, 2007
Home Country
Okay so I started again from scratch and here's what the problem was for any future nooblets like myself:
1. I'm an idiot, I forgot to include the XML headers in my skin files ('cause I just copied and pasted from the tut). If you're stuck, check out the other skin files and you'll see what I mean.
2. I may possibly have been using a conflicting class name (MediaPortalTest). I was just developing a little test plugin, so the name seemed appropriate but now that I think about it I should have realised. It would be a better idea to stick to more distinctive naming conventions.

Whatever the cause, it works now so I'm happy :D

Sorry to bother you with that, and thanks to zion22 for trying to guide me :p


New Member
March 3, 2008
Why is the plugin development documentation hidden so well? Its like they don;t want me to write one.

MEDIAPORTAL - free MediaCenter HTPC Software -> I don;t have permissions -> empty page -> dead link -> dead link

MEDIAPORTAL - free MediaCenter HTPC Software - HTTP Error 404 -> dead link

WTF, really I must be missing something here.

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