How to: use DD Octopus Net in MP (3 Viewers)


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  • January 26, 2013
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    @HTPCSourcer I already removed MP2 and installed MP1, but at this moment indeed the same issue. TV is working. Grabber ran several times. No EPG.

    It is running on my laptop, it is not a live environment. The live environment still runs Kodi.

    I'm able to leave my laptop on, but it will run idle. I can run a TV channel over the night for example. But I'm not sure what the best way is to leave it for some time?

    I have attached the logs from so far.

    I have enabled the debug log in the MP1 client now. And will retry some things. After that I'll attach the logs again.

    I also tried NPO1 as EPG source, because I found this:

    Then go to the secion DVB EPG > TV Epg grabber.
    Make sure 'Store data only for selected channels' is UNchecked, and ONLY check NPO 1 in the list 'Grab EPG for these channels'. NPO 1 contains the entire EPG for all channels. ;)

    This would suggest that if NPO1 has all the EPG info, I could use this channel, correct? This channel is NOT on the same base frequency. The other channel IS on the same frequency, but gave the same result (no EPG).

    Edit: when I add PID 17 too, Mediaportal adds my Provider name 'Ziggo', without that, the Provider name stays empty in the list. But also the behaviour is strange as it adds wrong channel names in the list too when using PID 17 besides 18.
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  • January 26, 2013
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    Ok I ended up removing everything including a database drop, because the TV Server kept stopping while scanning channels and my menu 'manual control' wasn't working anymore.

    What should be fairly simple, it pretty hard to do. :(


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  • January 26, 2013
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    I have some more information.

    When I launch the list in VLC player, I don't get EPG with only PID 18 in the URL.

    I do get EPG when I add 17 and 18 in the URL.

    After that I tried only 17 in the URL and again no EPG.

    So VLC needs a combination of 17 and 18 to get EPG data. And per transponder I receive about 3 channels EPG in VLC. So it seems that I don't have a general service channel that gives me all the EPG data of all channels.

    When I use 18,17 to let Mediaportal scan channels, I get double channels (like 6 x NPO1 and no NPO2). And still no EPG data.

    I have attached the log files after my try to scan the attached mu3 file (see below).

    I have attached the mu3 file (in a .zip) that gave the results below, and that is a bit unexpected behaviour:




      623 bytes
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  • September 1, 2008
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    You could save effort and avoid problems if you gave me a chance to reply. Just remember that I'm on the opposite side of the world, so I'm asleep when you're awake.

    Let's take one thing at a time. :)

    1. EPG
    The first set of log files shows plenty of EPG available:
    [2017-02-12 11:19:49,643] [EPG ] [23 ] [INFO ] - dvb:dvb ready.EPG 308 channels
    [2017-02-12 11:19:50,117] [EPG ] [23 ] [INFO ] - Epg: card:2 received epg for 308 channels

    The reason you don't see it is that TV Server is unable to match it to the channels in your database. This is a known limitation with SAT>IP. The solution is relatively easy: manually set the ONID value for each channel.
    1. Open TV Server Configuration.
    2. Go to the TV Channels section.
    3. Select the first channel and click edit.
    4. Select the tuning detail row in the bottom area and click edit.
    5. Set the "network ID" value to 1536. (I got this value from the log files. It will be different for other people who receive channels from other providers.)
    6. Optional: you can set the provider name if you want to.
    7. Click OK and OK again to close and save.
    8. Repeat instructions 4, 5 and 7 for all other SAT>IP channels in both the TV and radio channels sections.
    If you have many channels, you can achieve the same result faster by editing the database contents directly. Alternatively you could also use the import/export section to export your channels, update the ONID values in the export file, delete the channels in TV Server, then reimport them using the updated export file.

    2. Crashes
    Windows application event log shows:
    "12-2-2017 16:40:03";".NET Runtime";"(0)";"Error";"Toepassing: TVService.exe
    Framework-versie: v4.0.30319
    Beschrijving: het proces is beëindigd als gevolg van een onverwerkte uitzondering.
    Uitzonderingsinformatie: uitzonderingscode c0000005, uitzonderingsadres 6C4A4C31
    "12-2-2017 16:40:03";"Application Error";"Toepassingscrash-gebeurtenissen";"Error";"Naam van toepassing met fout: TVService.exe, versie:, tijdstempel: 0x576f98f2 Naam van module met fout: MPIPTV_RTSP.dll, versie:, tijdstempel: 0x576f98cf Uitzonderingscode: 0xc0000005 Foutmarge: 0x00004c31 Id van proces met fout: 0x1f8c Starttijd van toepassing met fout: 0x01d28536d2dc9ac1 Pad naar toepassing met fout: C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\TVService.exe Pad naar module met fout: C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\MPIPTV_RTSP.dll Rapport-id: 108edc9c-f48d-4536-9edf-c894e42481b7 Volledige pakketnaam met fout: Relatieve toepassings-id van pakket met fout: ";"1000"[/collapse]

    This is a known issue with MP 1.15 and earlier.
    Solution: install the MPIPTV_RTSP.dll patch from -->here<-- and the MPIPTV_UDP.dll patch from -->here<--.
    P.S. The MPIPTV_RTSP.dll patch is included in MP 1.16 PR, and the MPIPTV_UDP.dll patch will be included in MP 1.16 final.

    3. PID 17
    As you've seen, adding PID 17 will cause TV Server to create duplicate, non-working channels during scanning. Therefore you should not add it.
    P.S. Don't you think I'd have already told you if PID 17 were needed? ;)
    P.P.S. VLC is not comparable with TV Server. You do not need PID 17 to get EPG with TV Server. ;)


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  • January 26, 2013
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    You could save effort and avoid problems if you gave me a chance to reply. Just remember that I'm on the opposite side of the world, so I'm asleep when you're awake.
    I know, I know. But was digging into it. Well... You know... Sometimes you know it is better to wait, but in the mean time it starts to itch and you want to find it out yourself :)

    Will try your steps soon, thanks. I appreciate your help!

    P.S. The MPIPTV_RTSP.dll patch is included in MP 1.16 PR, and the MPIPTV_UDP.dll patch will be included in MP 1.16 final.
    I will install the 1.16PR ;) Saves me some effords :)

    Running the pre-release now and TVServer crashed 2 times while scanning the channels. Will retry a few times. (Nevermind, I misread... Need to get the MPIPTV_UDP.dll patch ;) ).
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  • January 26, 2013
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    I figured it out... Because i don't have a preset for Ziggo in OctoCast i had to figure out the exact urls. After scanning every transponder globally i had to update the RTSP url in the channel editor for each encrypted channel by adding: &x_pmt=<value specified as PmtPid>. Also i managed to reduce the stream coming from the Octopus for each channel by filtering the specific pids for each channel replacing &pids=all with &pids=0,16,17,18,channel,specifics,pids. Lots of manual editing for now but at least i can now watch TV using the Octopus ;)
    Can you explain how you did this?

    As the Ziggo 4444 list in Octocast is not up to date. What software did you use for scanning? And how did you converted this to rtsp urls?

    @mm1352000 I think I need your help a bit. I think armandp meant that he made a general rtsp url for the scanning of a transponder globally. I know the frequencies, but how would a rtsp url look like to scan it globally? After that I'll be able to reconstruct the correct specific urls.
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