HTPCInfo plugin v1.15.0 for MediaPortal 1.3.0 and higher (14 Viewers)


Portal Pro
December 3, 2009
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Russian Federation Russian Federation
Re: HTPCInfo plugin for MediaPortal v0.9.1

Hi Andrusha777,
if you define entries inside the sensor configuration dialog, you must also use these "speaking names" in your skin files. One example: If you define "CPU" in the temperature list, you must be rename the property #HTPCInfo.SensorTemperature0 to #HTPCInfo.SensorTemperatureCPU also.
Hi Micropolis!
As I said above, i have already tryu to do this - nothing changes, see new screen. I change the file HTPCInfoOverview.xml in blue2wide skin folder.

Here some from xml
			<label>#HTPCInfo.SensorTemperatureCPU, #HTPCInfo.SensorTemperatureSystem, #HTPCInfo.SensorTemperatureGPU, #HTPCInfo.SensorTemperatureHD0</label>
			<label>#HTPCInfo.SensorFanCPU, #HTPCInfo.SensorFanSystem</label>
UPD i have created new xml lang file - strings_ru.xml based on strings_en.xml
but i'm not sure about <Language name="Russian" characters="1105"> string


  • strings_ru.xml
    30.6 KB


Portal Pro
July 22, 2009
Home Country
Germany Germany
Re: HTPCInfo plugin for MediaPortal v0.9.1

Hi Andrusha777,
if I take a look into your configuration file, all is ok - also I cannot find any errors/warnings inside the MediaPortal log file.
Hmm, strange. Do you have any application sandboxes or firewalls installed, which can prevent access to shared memory? If no, please try if xAP can publish sensor informations and/or start a test with a clean installation. At the moment I don't have more ideas, sorry.
Last Question: If you start the diagnostic tool, at which step crashes this tool?

Cheers, Micropolis ;-)


Portal Pro
December 3, 2009
Home Country
Russian Federation Russian Federation
Re: HTPCInfo plugin for MediaPortal v0.9.1

Hi Andrusha777,
if I take a look into your configuration file, all is ok - also I cannot find any errors/warnings inside the MediaPortal log file.
Hmm, strange. Do you have any application sandboxes or firewalls installed, which can prevent access to shared memory? If no, please try if xAP can publish sensor informations and/or start a test with a clean installation. At the moment I don't have more ideas, sorry.
Last Question: If you start the diagnostic tool, at which step crashes this tool?

Cheers, Micropolis ;-)

I do not have any firewall or antivirus. xAP is not working too. This installation of MP is clean - only TV channels was imported. Diagnostics tool crashes immediately after start - no any steps.
I have noticed very important thing. In speedfan you must name every sensor by unique name! It means that CPU temp sensor named CPU and CPU fan also named CPU DOES NOT work by xAP!!!
xAP worked on my HTPC with HTPC Info only after renaming CPU to CPUFan fan field in MP plugin and SpeedFan config.
Thanx a lot to Micropolis for helping me to solve this problem!


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    Re: HTPCInfo plugin for MediaPortal v0.9.1

    So that was the reason for my empty HTPCInfo window with an missing file error...
    Hopefully Micropolis would provide a new version without those dependencies soon...

    I'm wondering, why you don't post your problems in this thread. If you don't do this, we cannot help you.
    In conclusion, I would also like to mention that it looks more motivating, if a user say "thank you" or speak to peoples in this community by name.

    Cheers, Micropolis ;-)
    I just installed HTPCInfo the night before my earlier post (which I posted while at work), I couldn't find any time by then to investigate & if necessary to report.

    Anyhow, keep up the good work and thank you :D for your plugins which are very well thought, useful and good designed (configuration parts I mean, because otherwise (in MP) one sees what the skinner wants one to see)


    Portal Pro
    March 23, 2009
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    AW: HTPCInfo plugin for MediaPortal v0.9.1

    Hi togheter,

    I don't get this plugin running. I scanned the whole documentation as well as this threat. I installed speedfan and I configured it under configure / xAp. I always get missing or invalid file in all tested skin. I read something about speddfanconnector.dll Where I found this file?

    How can I get this plugIn running.



    Portal Pro
    July 22, 2009
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Re: AW: HTPCInfo plugin for MediaPortal v0.9.1

    Hi juro,
    the old library speedfanconnector.dll does not exists anymore, you need only HTPCInfo.dll and HTPCInfo.Core.dll.
    If I take a look into your system specification, you are running a TV Server, correct? If not, please follow this post and copy these files (or files from the latest SVN) into your MediaPortal directory.
    Otherwise, please provide a MediaPortal log file here, without this I have no chance to analyse the problem on your side.

    Cheers, Micropolis ;-)


    Portal Pro
    March 23, 2009
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    AW: Re: AW: HTPCInfo plugin for MediaPortal v0.9.1

    Hi Micropolis,

    thnaks for your reply.

    Which post do you mean? I do run a TV Server but not on my test system whre I tried to get the plugin running. But indeed I found this in the log:

    2010-02-06 14:37:36.234173 [ERROR][MPMain]: Error initializing window:HTPCInfoPlugin.HTPCInfo Die Datei oder Assembly "TvControl, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" oder eine Abhängigkeit davon wurde nicht gefunden. Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. HTPCInfo bei HTPCInfoPlugin.HTPCInfo.InitConnectors()
    bei HTPCInfoPlugin.HTPCInfo.InitPlugin()
    bei HTPCInfoPlugin.HTPCInfo.Init()
    bei MediaPortal.GUI.Library.PluginManager.LoadWindowPlugin(String strFile)



    Portal Pro
    July 22, 2009
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Re: AW: Re: AW: HTPCInfo plugin for MediaPortal v0.9.1

    Hi juro,
    sorry I've forgot the edit the hyperlink. Go to this post please.

    Cheers, Micropolis ;-)


    Portal Pro
    March 23, 2009
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    AW: Re: AW: Re: AW: HTPCInfo plugin for MediaPortal v0.9.1

    ok, thanks but I have MP 1.0.2 running?!

    ok; I found the other post I will try

    Hi Micropolis,

    runs now! Thanks. Why don't you put the dlls in the Installation package?

    Regards Juro


    Portal Pro
    July 22, 2009
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Re: AW: Re: AW: Re: AW: HTPCInfo plugin for MediaPortal v0.9.1

    Hi juro,
    these files are internal libraries from the MediaPortal TVServer installer package. Because of this, you cannot expect that I've build a new HTPCInfo package for each SVN.
    In conclusion, don't forget to use the "Thanks!" button, if you find the plugin useful.

    Cheers, Micropolis ;-)

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