[Approved] IMDB.com (default info grabber) (2 Viewers)


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December 20, 2007
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Sutekh, in fact - no need to strip the year as the title to search that is passed into the script has the year already stripped from it as you say. As gamejester points out, "Bruiser" simply returns some weird results from IMDB - but one correct entry from Movie-Xml.

The more i look into it - the more the details in IMDB are in-accurate. The plot summary on the front page is lacking in much content for a lot of films - and if you drill into the full plot summary you will get multiple entries posted by different authors.

might be worth looking the film up in movie-xml (which also includes the imdb reference number) and if no results are found - then looking up from imdb (but actually perfoming some checks to ensure that the film name actually contains the name of the thing you are searching for (aka "Bruiser" ;)).


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  • May 13, 2007
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    The problem with the movie-xml escape characters \" and \' (there may be others) stems from the way the data is being returned by the site as the script funtion propertyNode.InnerText should deal with real escape characters and replace them.

    I have put in a simple work around in the attached script that will solve the problem until the site is fixed.

    However, there also seems to be an inconsitancy in the way the MP config prog and the GUI deal with the \' in a title; resulting in two ' appearing in the title if you do an IBDM refresh from within MP GUI. This causes the creation of an additional set of thumbs to mach the new name; but all is returned to normal then you go back to layout view and this weird title is never actual written to the db, so we can live with it for now.

    I have included two scripts here, moviexml and moviexml-1st; I have both these loaded in my search order then s7oneyuk IMDB+xml as the third option. The difference between the 2 scripts is that the return different cover arts when available. A longer term solution would be to fix up or enhance the coverart 'search for images' in the core............but thats a job for another day!


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  • May 13, 2007
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    Very nice.
    Is there still no option that MP picks the folder.jpeg automatically (if there is one available), actually I only want this option as I always add a high res picture in the movie folder.

    Was digging through the code looking where best to implement this and found that it is already in RC2!!

    After you have updated your database you can go to the editor TAB and click the 'search for Images' button; at the top of the list will be any .jpg files in the current movies dir. This will be the same behavior if you are in the MP gui and you click IMDB then scrole through the images.

    So the next step (and easier one) is to just create a c#script that first looks for a .jpg file in the current dir and sets the coverURL to that and see if the DownloadCoverArt funciton in the core can grab the file from local imageUrl.


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  • May 7, 2008
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    ok - as promised here is a script file that is really just a merge of the imdb_com and MovieXML scripts. It will basically download all the movie details from IMDB but will grab the artwork from moviexml.

    sorry for the delay - seems like imdb.com were having some issues on friday meaning i could perform tests on the script until today!!.

    I have been searching the forums and thanks to one of the mods I was pointed in this direction...

    I was also experiencing the problems described throughout the thread, however since trying s7oneyuk's script I have the best of both worlds and it so far (touch wood) is functioning great!

    Thank you for the script and effort put in... I will be keeping an eye on this thread and hopefully this continues to be maintaining or even include the fuctionality into the actual program! :)

    The only issue I would like to make the Development Team aware of, is that once you add one of these scripts to the list in the MP config, you cannot remove them ! I have deleted the files so they no longer function, however, they are still visable in the script/database list .....


    Portal Pro
    July 13, 2007
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    Spain Spain
    Hello ... I'm having a problem in MediaPortal and maybe I could find some help here.

    As a spanish user I tried to download covers and film info from Filmaffinity, which is the recommended grabber in Spanish. And yes, the movie info is fine... but the covers are horrible. Small and blurry.

    So I just saw your script that grabs info from one site and covers from another one. Could it be possible to do anything similar that looks at Filmaffinity for the spanish plot and info and imdb.com or movie-xml for fine covers? I don't really mind covers in English, so I guess the script should use the file name (in spanish) when searching in FilmAffinity and the original movie name (retrieved from FilmAffinity) to search for the cover.

    My knowledge on C or scripting is so close to zero that it's actually zero... but I guess I can learn with some good advice. Maybe. Hope so :)

    Thanks on advance...


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  • May 13, 2007
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    We use movie-xml for the covers in these scripts.
    Does Filmaffinity give you the IMDB number for the file? If yes it is possible to get the cover from movie-xml directly; if not does it get the full English movie name? If the later a seach with that and the year to movie-xml should return one match which can then be used to grab the cover art.

    If you can program or even script in any language the code in these cscripts is pretty streight forward so give it a go, happy to help if you get stuck. Start by looking at the cscript for Filmaffinity then add a section to the bottom to retrive the movie coverart, you can grab that directly from moviexml script; you woudl then just need to tweak it a t bit to add in the XML reader objects and manipulate the field you want to use as your name search.

    FYI - i have been looking at the source for myVideos recently as there are a few things in there that could be changed, so the default cover art search could get better soon :) Looking at adding movie-xml default coverart retrieval and tightening up the logic for IPA awards so it only gets back correctly matched movies ! Also need to make some minor changes so that you can support local files if present from a csscript....

    Spaldo - I have not seen this, in fact the opposite seems to be true for me, ie if I make a change in the csscript file it is auto removed from my choice section, and do it too many times and it will never stay in their as a permanent choice. When you removed the script did you move them to a sub folder of scripts? If so they are still picked up you need to move them out of the MP folder.


    Portal Pro
    July 13, 2007
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    Gamejester, thanks for your advice... anyway, being a bit too old (and lazy) to learn from "scratch", I think I'd better stay on the leeching side and wait for your good job to be done :)

    Thanks on advance for your efforts :)


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  • May 7, 2008
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    Spaldo - I have not seen this, in fact the opposite seems to be true for me, ie if I make a change in the csscript file it is auto removed from my choice section, and do it too many times and it will never stay in their as a permanent choice. When you removed the script did you move them to a sub folder of scripts? If so they are still picked up you need to move them out of the MP folder.

    Well the actual screen it self only has a 'Add' dialog box, it doesn't have a remove or delete.

    The way I stopped them from working / being used was to physically delete them out of the imdb directory. However, they still show up in the list of scripts in the MP config, but don't function / are not used by MP.


    Portal Pro
    January 20, 2006
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    Romania Romania
    To delete a grabber from list just select it and press DEL

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