In latest SVN i add support for scripting using CS-Script from CS-Script
in this may find some example of scripts, but basically every script are a standalone class.
I prototyped the following C# code in IMDB.cs to support "aliases". Should I change the script instead?
private void FindIMDB(string strURL, int iLimit)
string absoluteUri;
string httpPage = GetPage(strURL, "utf-8", out absoluteUri);
string httpString = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(httpPage);
Match imdbEntry = Regex.Match(
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace | RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.Compiled);
while (imdbEntry.Success)
string imdbTitle = imdbEntry.Groups["title"].Value.Replace("\"", "");
string imdbURL = imdbEntry.Groups["tt"].Value;
string imdbOptions = Regex.Replace(imdbEntry.Groups["options"].Value, @"<(.|\n)*?>", String.Empty,
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
IMDBUrl url = new IMDBUrl(@"" + imdbURL, imdbTitle + @" " + imdbOptions + @" (imdb)", @"IMDB");
imdbEntry = imdbEntry.NextMatch();
string imdbAka = imdbEntry.Groups["aka"].Value;
Match imdbAlias = Regex.Match(imdbAka, @"<br>\saka\s<em>""(?<alias>.*?)""</em>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
while (imdbAlias.Success)
imdbTitle = imdbAlias.Groups["alias"].Value;
url = new IMDBUrl(@"" + imdbURL, imdbTitle + @" " + imdbOptions + @" (imdb)", @"IMDB");
imdbAlias = imdbAlias.NextMatch();