[Approved] IMDB.com (default info grabber) (1 Viewer)


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  • June 10, 2007
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    Hi Guys, I just installed Media Portal 1.0.0 RC2 and noticed the following issues:

    Using Database: IMDB (english)
    Hi Res Movie covers are downloaded from IMPAwards
    Plot and Summary information is missing for some movies e.g. Good Luck Chuck

    Using Database: imdb_com (IMDB grabber - EN)
    Low Resolution movie covers are downloaded
    Plot and Summary information all seems good

    Using Database: movdb (IMDB grabber - EN)
    Nothing works, its trying the following: [Info.][IMDBFetcher]: Can't connect to http://www.movie-xml.com/xml/GetSeries.php?searchby=SeriesName&string=30+days+of+night : The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.

    Has the API changed for movie-xml? Can some one update the script please? I will look into it when I got some time if no-one jumps on it, I would really prefer to use movdb to get everything.


    Just had a look at the API and the script we use it way off. See Online Movie Database - An open directory of Movies for HTPC software


    Retired Team Member
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  • May 13, 2007
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    Was changed a while ago, I fixed it up earlier in this thread

    I called my version moviexml.csscript; perhaps we need to replace the moviedb one distributed with MP, how do we do that?

    Paul has subsequently fixed this up further as there is an issue with the method InnerText not working properly in c#script; it just returns xml like the method InnerXml without replacing the escape sequences like \" \' etc....
    A new function needs to be created to use a bit of regEx to replace any escape sequences.........
    There are also a few new fields we could add and the actors:rolls could be linked together in a 2 dimensional array so we get Hans Solo played by Harrison Ford.........

    The next thing to do is create a backup script for when movie info is poor or unavailable at movie-xml; this is now possible as zag2me has shown us the hidden IMDB search. This would consist of info from IBDM and high res covers from movie-xml.

    Come on Paul, no pressure ;)


    Portal Member
    December 20, 2007
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    currently working on a script that will get all the actor/plot/tag/summary/rating etc info from IMDB - but will get the movies cover art from movie-xml.com. I'll also create another script that will get the information from movie-xml but that has the escape character problem removed.

    its coming!!!

    i also find that the IMPAwards graphics are completely the wrong ones. does anyone else have this issue too?


    Portal Pro
    June 3, 2008
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    Belgium Belgium
    currently working on a script that will get all the actor/plot/tag/summary/rating etc info from IMDB - but will get the movies cover art from movie-xml.com. I'll also create another script that will get the information from movie-xml but that has the escape character problem removed.

    its coming!!!

    Very nice.
    Is there still no option that MP picks the folder.jpeg automatically (if there is one available), actually I only want this option as I always add a high res picture in the movie folder.


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  • May 13, 2007
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    I suspect it could do, how would you expect this to work?
    In the old xlobby days we used tohave each movie in its own folder and then any artwork was pricked up from that folder.
    I suspect most people just stick all there movies in one folder now though with MP, so do you call you art work the same name as the movie? If so then I think that could be workable.
    Where do you get your high res covers from? Maybe we can grab them directly from that site.


    Portal Pro
    June 3, 2008
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    Belgium Belgium
    I suspect it could do, how would you expect this to work?
    In the old xlobby days we used tohave each movie in its own folder and then any artwork was pricked up from that folder.
    I suspect most people just stick all there movies in one folder now though with MP, so do you call you art work the same name as the movie? If so then I think that could be workable.
    Where do you get your high res covers from? Maybe we can grab them directly from that site.

    Yes, each movie has his own directory with a folder.jpeg picture. It doesn't matter what name it has, as long that this option will be available.
    OR if someone can make a script of the MovieMeter site and search for covers on the impawards site (I my opinion the best site for high res covers).
    Maybe a script with the information of imdb and the covers from ipawards, that would also be sweet.


    Portal Member
    December 20, 2007
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    new script file for IMDB and MovieXML grabbing.

    ok - as promised here is a script file that is really just a merge of the imdb_com and MovieXML scripts. It will basically download all the movie details from IMDB but will grab the artwork from moviexml.

    sorry for the delay - seems like imdb.com were having some issues on friday meaning i could perform tests on the script until today!!.


    Portal Pro
    June 3, 2008
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    Belgium Belgium
    s7oneyuk, I have to report a minor issue: sometimes, the full summary isn't displayed (example: 88 minutes).

    Would it be possible to choose between the different summaries?
    The artwork is great! :D

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