IMDb+ Plugin with IMDb+ Scraper v4.9.41 (11 Viewers)


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  • March 10, 2006
    Hey Rochess, sorry for the delay in replying. First I tried a suggestion you gave the last time I asked this question. That was to remove IMDB+ from the scrapers list and then re-add it. After I did this it started getting matches again but I did have one problem movie so I don't know if I fixed the scraper version and this is a dodgy movie, or I haven't really fixed it after all.

    So my two questions:

    1) Can you successfully import 'E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)' - tt0083866
    2) How do I check to see what version of IMDB+ MovPic is really using (i.e. how do I check if I have this problem or not without going into the DB if possible). Would it be reported in the logs or something where I can check without bothering you every time :)

    Thanks very much for your help.

    Multiple methods possible:

    1. Open MovPic config -> "Importer Settings" tab -> ensure "Manual manage movie data sources" near the bottom is active, so that you can push the "Movie Details Data Sources" button below it. It should show Source = "IMDb+" and Version = v4.9.28, Language is blank (as it supports more then one) and Published = "10/26/2013"

    2. If you enable scraper-debug mode (inside the "Movie Details Data Sources" dialog from previous step, you can click the gear icon little arrow to reveal the option to enable it. Once activated it will show a little green bug icon inside the dialog. Now be aware that this causes gigantic/huge log files, we are talking 1.5MB *per* movie, so it slows the entire import process down a lot if your system is unable to cope with the extra load. But with that option enabled inside movingpictures.log file you can see entries such as:

    12-Jan-2014 15:22:55 Debug [ ScriptableScraper]: Parsing scriptable scraper: IMDb+ (314159265) Version 4.9.28


    (somewhere inside movingpictures.log the following starts)
    12-Jan-2014 15:22:57 Debug [ ScraperNode]: executing retrieve: <retrieve name="search_page" url=";q=${search.title:safe(UTF-8)}" />
    12-Jan-2014 15:22:57 Debug [ ScraperNode]: Retrieving URL: the Extra-Terrestrial
    12-Jan-2014 15:23:16 Debug [ ScraperNode]: Assigned variable: movie_details[0][0] = tt0083866
    12-Jan-2014 15:23:16 Debug [ ScraperNode]: Assigned variable: movie_details[0][1] = E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
    12-Jan-2014 15:23:16 Debug [ ScraperNode]: Assigned variable: movie_details[0][2] = 1982
    12-Jan-2014 15:23:17 Info [ ScraperNode]: ########################## IMDb+ Search Results ###########################
    12-Jan-2014 15:23:17 Info [ ScraperNode]: # Search Folder = !MovPic.Import.Test.Folder
    12-Jan-2014 15:23:17 Info [ ScraperNode]: # Search File = E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982).mkv
    12-Jan-2014 15:23:17 Info [ ScraperNode]: # Search IMDb ID =
    12-Jan-2014 15:23:17 Info [ ScraperNode]: # Search Title = E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)
    12-Jan-2014 15:23:17 Info [ ScraperNode]: #
    12-Jan-2014 15:23:17 Info [ ScraperNode]: # IMDb+ IMDb ID = tt0083866 (Only showing first movie found)
    12-Jan-2014 15:23:17 Info [ ScraperNode]: # IMDb+ Title = E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)
    12-Jan-2014 15:23:17 Info [ ScraperNode]: # IMDb+ Special =
    12-Jan-2014 15:23:17 Info [ ScraperNode]: ###########################################################################
    12-Jan-2014 15:23:17 Debug [ DataProviderManager]: SEARCH: Title='E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial', Provider='IMDb+', Version=4.9.28, Number of Results=99
    12-Jan-2014 15:23:17 Debug [ MovieSignature]: MATCHING: 'e t the extra terrestrial' WITH: 'E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial' RESULT: TitleScore=0, YearScore=0, ImdbMatch=False, AlternateTitleUsed=False, AlternateTitle='', AutoApprove=True
    12-Jan-2014 15:23:17 Info [ MovieImporter]: Auto-approved E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982).mkv as "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial" (1982)
    12-Jan-2014 15:23:17 Info [ MovieImporter]: Retrieving details for "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial"
    12-Jan-2014 15:23:17 Debug [ DatabaseManager]: INSERTING: E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982).mkv
    12-Jan-2014 15:23:17 Info [ ScraperNode]: ############################ IMDb+ Detail Node ############################
    12-Jan-2014 15:23:21 Info [ ScraperNode]: ###########################################################################
    12-Jan-2014 15:23:21 Debug [ DataProviderManager]: UPDATE: Title='E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial', Provider='IMDb+', Version=4.9.28, Result=SUCCESS
    12-Jan-2014 15:23:24 Info [ ScraperNode]: ############################ IMDb+ Cover Node ############################
    12-Jan-2014 15:23:24 Info [ ScraperNode]: # IMDb+ Title = E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982) [(tt0083866)]
    12-Jan-2014 15:23:25 Debug [ ScraperNode]: Assigned variable: cover_art[0].url =
    12-Jan-2014 15:23:25 Info [ ScraperNode]: ###########################################################################
    12-Jan-2014 15:23:25 Info [ FileBasedResource]: Added cover art for "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial" from:
    12-Jan-2014 15:23:28 Info [ FileBasedResource]: Added backdrop for "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial" from:
    12-Jan-2014 15:23:28 Debug [ DatabaseManager]: INSERTING: DBUserMovieSettings ()
    12-Jan-2014 15:23:28 Debug [ DatabaseManager]: INSERTING: E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
    12-Jan-2014 15:23:28 Debug [ DatabaseManager]: INSERTING: DBSourceMovieInfo [title='E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial', identifier='tt0083866', provider='IMDb+']
    12-Jan-2014 15:23:28 Debug [ DatabaseManager]: UPDATING: E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982).mkv
    12-Jan-2014 15:23:28 Info [ MovieImporter]: Added "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial" (1982).
    (end of movingpictures.log if you do not do anything else after importing the movie)

    3. IMDb+.log file should technically also tell you what version is in use, but because of the bug in MovPic you can not really trust the answer/reply that MovPic reports.

    4. Inside MediaPortal GUI, you can goto plugins -> IMDb+ and inside hidden menu you got "IMDb+ Info...", in here you can verify the active version of IMDb+ scraper script as reported by MovPic


    MP Donator
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  • June 11, 2007
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    Updated to 1.6 and the problem has gone away (clean install). I'm wondering if it could be to do with installing imdb+ mpei before installing MovPics mpei and using a database backup.. I was careful this time to install imdb+ last.

    Oh and thanks for the detailed help as always!
    Last edited:


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  • June 1, 2008
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    In the past i have talk with rochess because i have no german title and description so he means that it work not realy good for german Infos. And he mean he must change things in code for german because new api and so on. I think this was rochess tell me in past


    Extension Developer
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  • March 10, 2006
    In the past i have talk with rochess because i have no german title and description so he means that it work not realy good for german Infos. And he mean he must change things in code for german because new api and so on. I think this was rochess tell me in past

    There was awesome support indeed for German for a long time via website (along with many other languages), and then abruptly Amazon/IMDb decided to kill those localized websites and focus on only, but then copy over the data. Well this only really happened for titles, but not for description.

    To re-add full German support the idea was to rely on alternative sources, which is what FilmInfo+ scraper does as well. In fact the creator of FilmInfo+ got his inspiration from IMDb+, except he used some alternative solutions on things and does not offer a plugin to go along to adjust settings or auto-update things.

    It is also not exactly an elegant solution, and I was actually hoping all this time Amazon/IMDb were working on a big update to to bring back all the foreign data, so I could stay focussed on that. Does not appear to happen, so I will indeed have to see if alternatives are possible to be integrated into IMDb+.

    With the help of damienh, I got some important changes put into Moving-Pictures v1.6 that will assist IMDb+ in communicating with Just been sick for over 3 weeks now and still not at 100%, any energy I currenctly have left I have to apply towards work and a little bit of R&R.

    Feel better each day, and once Amazon will deliver the Mucinex, Facemask steamer and Spirometer, I will hopefully finally be able to knock this terrible cough out of the way. Sucks having to cough up a liter of phlem a day, and all that coughing just takes all the energy out of me. I just do not want it turning into a bacterial bronchitus or worse pneumonia, but then it will be time to go anti-biotics and erradicate it.

    So unfortunatly I got no ETA, but it is for sure on my list, just limited to my free time and need to feel 100% first.


    Extension Developer
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  • March 10, 2006
    Scraper script v4.9.30 released

    - Fixed cover node, and 'Short' translation for some languages (v4.9.29)
    - Added new blacklist entries to improve English title detection (v4.9.30)​

    Had to go to Washington DC at the last minute for work, which kind of ruined my IMDb+ plans for the weekend, so hopefully next weekend remains clear of calamaties. At least I feel 100% again and caught up on most of the work I fell behind on while sick. The above fixes were small and easy to do, but I want to get to work on the big stuff again.

    There was a reference to WindowsPlugins.DLL in the IMDb+ solution, but it appeared to be not used, so IMDb+ should be fine for MediaPortal v1.7, but I hope to test that myself soon, as well as get an updated plugin out. Will also see if I can somehow make it work that you can adjust all the IMDb+ options during installation of the MPEI or inside MePo config, but not going to waste a lot of time on it if it becomes a complicated mess.

    The big change to the plugin will be that during installation it will check for an update of the scraper-script, so that it will not install the old bundled version that might contain errors (which is currently the case, but fixes itself auto once you launch MePo GUI).


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  • February 23, 2008
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    There was a reference to WindowsPlugins.DLL in the IMDb+ solution, but it appeared to be not used, so IMDb+ should be fine for MediaPortal v1.7, but I hope to test that myself soon,
    It does work fine here ;)


    Portal Pro
    September 2, 2009
    Home Country
    England England
    Still love this plugin RoChess.. awesome work!

    I upgraded MediaPortal from 1.4 - 1.6 this weekend (I have 7 clients, so tend to be a late adopter). I only use imdbplus- all other scrapers are disabled in MovPics. I've had a problem with the RT ratings; specifically my system is configured to scrape only RT single score with percentages. For certain films, the scraper is failing to pull the percentages (and because I have no other scraper, these get returned as zero- so pretty easy to identify as I rescraped my entire db). A list of a few of them (I can supply a log with the full list if useful- I have a filter set on the Move Manager with a '0' score so easy to identify; but there are obviously some titles mixed in that do not have ratings on RT so '0' would be expected).

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    Let me know if you need any further info.

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