^^ TVE 3.5 doesn't have import/export.Also it's possible that TVE35 has the bug too lol
// exporting radio channel groups
if (exportradiogroups)
XmlNode nodeRadioChannelGroups = xmlDoc.CreateElement("radiochannelgroups");
IList<RadioChannelGroup> radiochannelgroups = RadioChannelGroup.ListAll();
foreach (RadioChannelGroup radiogroup in radiochannelgroups)
XmlNode nodeRadioChannelGroup = xmlDoc.CreateElement("radiochannelgroup");
AddAttribute(nodeRadioChannelGroup, "GroupName", radiogroup.GroupName);
AddAttribute(nodeRadioChannelGroup, "SortOrder", radiogroup.SortOrder.ToString());
XmlNode nodeRadioGroupMap = xmlDoc.CreateElement("mappings");
IList<RadioGroupMap> maps = radiogroup.ReferringRadioGroupMap();
foreach (RadioGroupMap map in maps)
XmlNode nodeMap = xmlDoc.CreateElement("map");
if (map.ReferencedChannel() != null)
AddAttribute(nodeMap, "ChannelName", map.ReferencedChannel().DisplayName);
AddAttribute(nodeMap, "SortOrder", map.SortOrder.ToString());
^^ TVE 3.5 doesn't have import/export.Also it's possible that TVE35 has the bug too lol
gibman removed it for now. It will need to be redone from scratch after the tuning detail rework is completed.Not yet or will not have it in future ?
I think it happen on current code too for some reason, i think i have do something locally when it happen (but i'm not sure lol).
I think that @doskabouter solve/detect also this issueo r at least talk about