For those using Comskip Monitored plugin...
After a summer of system failures I'm finally back up and running and looking to start upgrade of Comskip Monitored for 1.3b. Will post here once done.
For those using Comskip Monitored plugin...
After a summer of system failures I'm finally back up and running and looking to start upgrade of Comskip Monitored for 1.3b. Will post here once done.
I have put some effort into the MPE1 installer so am interested in any issues it may cause. Also, I have not tested with 1.3beta, but I don't foresee any problems. Please let me know of issues or obvious enhancements.
Did you know there are two parameters which can be added to the comskip.ini which direct Comskip to NOT SKIP advertisements within specified seconds of the start or the end of a recording. I hate it when comskip cut's off the credits at the end of a recording. The settings are: always_keep_first_seconds always_keep_last_seconds
I have mine set to always_keep_last_seconds=600
I actually found that tip from one of your older posts. I wish there was a way to have comskip ignore certain channels. I record a bunch of stuff from PBS which is comercial free.
Further to the last few posts above, Comskip Monitored TV Server plugin (1.3RC version) now allows you to set up a channel group called "No Comskip", using standard TV Server configuration functionality, and the plugin will not launch comskip.exe for any channels added to that group.