is it time to kiss mediaportal good bye (2 Viewers)


Portal Pro
July 2, 2005
Edmonton, AB
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Canada Canada
I spent about a year using MP and going through the various updates/revisions. A little over a month ago I switched back to BeyondTV for the following reasons:

-Consistant crashes with MP while trying to compress recorded shows
-Horrible quality of compressed shows
-Intermittant MP crashes seemingly without any specific reason
-TV Guide never automatically updating (no matter how many times I configured it).

Since going back to BTV I have an HTPC that has not crashed ONCE!!

-I can use my SW card along side of my PVR500 to timeshift without batting an eye.
-I can use my SW card to stream live TV over my own network or even the Internet if I'm away from home.
-BTV has a client/server setup which allows you to stream tv/recorded shows to other computers by using their BTV Link program.
-Compressing shows have multiple options and the quality is excellent.
-Compressed shows can be moved to specific folders as dictated by the compression settings.

Please don't get me wrong, I do think that in time MP will dominate the HTPC landscape......but it's far from that point at present.


  • Team MediaPortal
  • December 21, 2005
    Home Country
    Norway Norway
    Well, one thing I agree with; it seems that fixing bugs is not pri. one. I completly understand that skinning and plugins is more fun to do, than fixing OTHER ppls problems.

    I've personaly reported to bugs (RSS and shutdown) - no answer.

    Take a look at no. of replyes in the bug cat.


    Portal Pro
    May 13, 2006
    Okay said:
    Well, one thing I agree with; it seems that fixing bugs is not pri. one. I completly understand that skinning and plugins is more fun to do, than fixing OTHER ppls problems.

    I've personaly reported to bugs (RSS and shutdown) - no answer.

    Take a look at no. of replyes in the bug cat.


    i dont even know who the media portal team is..? im guessing its about 8 guys. do they each do different jobs, does one guy do most of the coding?

    how does it work.


    Portal Pro
    September 20, 2004
    somewhere in the bowels of Texas
    Khris said:
    Since going back to BTV I have an HTPC that has not crashed ONCE!!

    -I can use my SW card along side of my PVR500 to timeshift without batting an eye.
    -I can use my SW card to stream live TV over my own network or even the Internet if I'm away from home.
    -BTV has a client/server setup which allows you to stream tv/recorded shows to other computers by using their BTV Link program.
    -Compressing shows have multiple options and the quality is excellent.
    -Compressed shows can be moved to specific folders as dictated by the compression settings.

    lol, your advertising is tempting... but I started my HTPC journey when I found MP. MediaPortal was only a couple months old and it's what uged me to do the hardware work (because it was/is open and free for the taking) and we have grown and matured together into the entertainment PC world like old friends.

    I ain't going anywhere, I'm having too much fun and learning a lot. Thats what a hobby is supposed to be for.

    If you don't need a hobby and just want an easy, instant media center... just go buy one and then you can complain to "the company" when something isn't quite the way you want or is broken.


    Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • October 13, 2005
    Boston, Massachusetts USA
    Okay said:
    Well, one thing I agree with; it seems that fixing bugs is not pri. one. <SNIP>

    Just what I like to hear; comments with nothing to back them up. Do you guys even read the change log? The amount of bugs that have been fixed is pretty substantial.

    Not picking on you or the OP, but why is it that these "I'm leaving MP" topics *always* turn into "the MP devs should be doing more to make MP more stable/Make the documentation better/Make this or that easier to use".

    MediaPortal is an open source project. If you don't like the way something works, roll up your sleeves and pitch in. If you can't write code write documentation. If you can't do either have the decency and respect to understand that after a long day at work NO ONE likes to hear that what they are doing for *free* isn't being done fast enough or well enough.

    Gotta tell you that these posts in general are pretty discouraging and de-motivating.



    Portal Pro
    May 13, 2006
    I hope they are not discouraging. in fact, i hope they encourage the team to continue moving on. this program has a giant group of people backing it up, so obviously you're doing something right.


  • Team MediaPortal
  • December 21, 2005
    Home Country
    Norway Norway
    SteveV: I sure did not mean to sound discouraging and de-motivating. I base my statement on forum-replys (hence the link).

    Please read my post again (wearing happy-glasses) - I am very impressed with the work done with MP (hence the sig., whitch has been that way since day one).

    Since I can't program, I'm trying to do somthing good by spreading the word of MP --->

    (Almost 9 K visits - 237 posts).

    All I'm saying; I belive (or; "got the impression of") that there is much more beeing done with skins and plugins, then with bug fixing... I know that ppl do what thay can - some make skions, other do programing.

    Again; not complaining - just my 5.

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