Latest Trakt (5.0.3) and My Films issue? (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
January 6, 2013
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Sweden Sweden
After uppdating Tract, I get an empty view when I first open My Films. If I then open any view from the hidden menu everything is just fine. I have tested this in both Avallance and Titan skin, and it is the same issue. If I disable Trakt everything is working fine. Is this repeatable for anyone else?


Portal Pro
December 4, 2007
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Spain Spain
I have the same problem after updating trakt plugin
You should correct the name of the plugin in your post to make it more visible in searches


Community Plugin Dev
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  • June 10, 2007
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    Have you guys tried resetting the trakt user in the my films context menu, I did need to clear user logins in trakt after upgrade, maybe that is related.


    Portal Pro
    December 4, 2007
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    Spain Spain
    I can´t find that option. The only place where I can find a trakt entry in the context menu is in the detailed view of a film. But no "reset user" option inside it.
    MP 1.9/ StreamedMP
    Anyway I already rejoined my user from inside the trakt plugin config


    Docs Group Manager
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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    @Zeus I think @ltfearme is referring to Global Settings > Choose User - but I'm not sure if that will relogin to Trakt - it should ;) Like you, I logged in from Trakt settings! IIRC in the end I had to re-enter password in Trakt Config, but no big deal :p

    And I can also confirm the issue with views. Hopefully an easy fix for @Guzzi to do?


    Retired Team Member
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  • August 20, 2007
    I have disabled Trakt plugin for now (however - can confirm the issue you mentioned) - will wait some days until trakt api is more stable and tehn look into it.
    Re users in MF: MyFilms offers a menu to choose the "current" / active user - this menu offers users that are set up in Trakt plugin (it could be multiple!), existing "local" users of the MF DB - and offers to create new local MF users.
    I assume, that the current problem is caused by the unsuccessful login attempt of a selected Trakt user - most probably that would not happen when using a "local" MF user - but I didn't test it.


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  • August 20, 2007
    ... had a look at the logs - we throw a "MissingMethodException" - so seems, Trakt plugin isn't supporting that anymore.
    [2015-01-05 02:16:07,752] [Error  ] [MPMain   ] [ERROR] - Error initializing window:MyFilmsPlugin.MyFilms.MyFilmsGUI.MyFilms Methode nicht gefunden: "TraktPlugin.TraktAPI.ConnectionState TraktPlugin.TraktSettings.get_AccountStatus()". MyFilms    bei MyFilmsPlugin.MyFilms.Utils.Helper.GetUserOnlineStatus(String username)
       bei MyFilmsPlugin.MyFilms.MyFilmsGUI.MyFilms.Load_Config(String CurrentConfig, Boolean create_temp, LoadParameterInfo loadParams) in G:\Entwicklung\MyFilms\MyFilms\MyFilmsGUI\MyFilms.cs:Zeile 8940.
       bei MyFilmsPlugin.MyFilms.MyFilmsGUI.MyFilms.InitConfigPreload() in G:\Entwicklung\MyFilms\MyFilms\MyFilmsGUI\MyFilms.cs:Zeile 1229.
       bei MyFilmsPlugin.MyFilms.MyFilmsGUI.MyFilms.Init() in G:\Entwicklung\MyFilms\MyFilms\MyFilmsGUI\MyFilms.cs:Zeile 867.
       bei MediaPortal.GUI.Library.PluginManager.LoadWindowPlugin(String strFile)
    As this is called on plugin start, we run into problems :-(

    @ltfearme : You plan to bring that back or should I remove it? We use it to display user status in GUI (local/trakt offline/trakt online).


    Community Plugin Dev
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  • June 10, 2007
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    Australia Australia
    Hey Guzzi,

    The property you're trying to acess is still there. Unfortunately one of the things I changed when I did some refactoring is the namespace of the return type. I put the connectionstate in a TraktPlugin.TraktAPI.Enums namespace.

    Is it much trouble for you to compile against the latest trakt @Guzzi and make that change? If not I could move it back when I make another release?


    Retired Team Member
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  • August 20, 2007
    No problem compiling against new version - normally I would prefer not doing that, as it would break compatibility with older versions, but as old API and thus all old versions won't work anymore anyway I don't see any reason to do so ... and creating new version allows me to depreciate all older versions too - this makes sure nothing trakt related would be executed for any old version and also helps MF users ...

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