LCD plugin supporting more than 70 display types (now with full graphics support!!!) (1 Viewer)

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  • September 27, 2004
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    csabal said:
    Is this driver update will be available to relase

    I have trouble with the new iMON drivers, the charset just went to crazy. no matters I change the externaldisplay.xml, it is still not working well..

    With the old iMON driver and modified externaldisplay.xml, every special characters looking good...
    No, I don't update that version anymore....

    The new driver is a version that comes with LCDHype (my plugin is able to use LCDHype drivers;, just copy them in the LCDDrivers folder)
    The old driver (which I wrote myself) will remain, so people can choose which one to use...



    Portal Member
    January 25, 2005
    I don't see any related info about iMON VFD at

    So I must copy the whole controller folder of LCDHype to your LCDDrivers folder?


    JoeDalton said:
    csabal said:
    Is this driver update will be available to relase

    I have trouble with the new iMON drivers, the charset just went to crazy. no matters I change the externaldisplay.xml, it is still not working well..

    With the old iMON driver and modified externaldisplay.xml, every special characters looking good...
    No, I don't update that version anymore....

    The new driver is a version that comes with LCDHype (my plugin is able to use LCDHype drivers;, just copy them in the LCDDrivers folder)
    The old driver (which I wrote myself) will remain, so people can choose which one to use...



    Retired Team Member
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  • September 27, 2004
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    I found the iMon VFD plugin for LCDHype here
    Just copy the dll (only the .DLL) from the zip file to the LCDDrivers folder.
    Start the plugin configuration and you'll see the new iMon driver appear in the list.



    Portal Member
    October 31, 2005
    Haarlem, the netherlands
    Joe, First of all, Great plugin.

    I have a 128x 64 T6963c Graphic LCD bought at htvision in the netherlands. It works like a charm with the wiring.

    just 2 questions:
    1. is there any way to increase the character size? (Letters are pretty small and hard to read from 3 meters distance while half of the screen is empty, which takes me to question 2)
    2. Is there any way to have the plugin display more than two lines of text?

    IF I use a program like powerLCD the LCD displays text in any size, so it's not a limitation of the screen itself. just could not find it in the settings.


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 27, 2004
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    At this moment you cannot change the character size, as I use the display in text mode. Other tools probably use it in graphics mode. Then you are free to draw what you want.

    There are 2 reasons for this:
    1) I don't own a graphic display;-) So I can't test anything at all.
    2) Sending data to the display should be as fast as possible, and text messages take a lot less time to send. Sending large amounts of data to a display will slowdown MP.

    As for your other question: it is indeed possible to use the other display lines. Unfortunately there is no GUI to do this yet. Search through this thread the information how to do this is in there somewhere...

    Maybe you can ask around to other T6963c users whether you can have their customized ExternalDisplay.xml file...



    Portal Member
    October 13, 2005
    Thanks Joe,

    But I tried that and I had no luck. I have the IRserver running in the background. For those who have used IRTrans it damn confusing.

    Another thing when I use IRTrans with my MCE Remote the only functions that work on the remote are the UP,Down,Left,Right,Ok. buttons. So I disabled IRTrans I bought a MCE transreceiver to try that and the Remote works like a charm. But If I run both at the same time the remote acts crazy.

    I would like to just use the MCE transreceiver. But I think I have to have my IRTrans running in order to display info from Mediaportal.

    I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place.

    JoeDalton said:
    wtfidiot21 said:
    Where do you edit the file? I don't see anything about ports? Maybe I'm looking in the wrong part.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Settings xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" Type="irtrans" ShowPropertyBrowser="false" :!: Port="NONE" :!: TextWidth="16" TextHeight="2" GraphicWidth="320" GraphicHeight="240" TextComDelay="1" GraphicComDelay="1" BackLight="false" Contrast="127" ScrollDelay="300" ExtensiveLogging="true">
    Where do you edit the file? I don't see anything about ports? Maybe I'm looking in the wrong part.
    Thank you James...

    You could try CTRL-F in Notepad: The "Find" function can be useful if you want to find something in a large text ;-)



    Portal Member
    August 19, 2005
    I've seen in the wiki that Noritake GU-7000 VFD is supported.

    Can somebody tell me which display is it exactly.

    Is it the HD44780 compatible
    e.g. GU140x32F-7806
    or the 7000 "show and tell" display which is not HD44780 compatible
    e.g. GU140x32F-7000

    Is RS232 connection supported ?


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 27, 2004
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    Belgium Belgium
    The plugin has drivers for both a parallel HD44780 display (so the GU140x32F-7806 should work with this one) and the serial GU-7000 display.



    Portal Member
    October 31, 2005
    Haarlem, the netherlands
    JoeDalton said:

    At this moment you cannot change the character size, as I use the display in text mode. Other tools probably use it in graphics mode. Then you are free to draw what you want.

    There are 2 reasons for this:
    1) I don't own a graphic display;-) So I can't test anything at all.
    2) Sending data to the display should be as fast as possible, and text messages take a lot less time to send. Sending large amounts of data to a display will slowdown MP.

    As for your other question: it is indeed possible to use the other display lines. Unfortunately there is no GUI to do this yet. Search through this thread the information how to do this is in there somewhere...

    Maybe you can ask around to other T6963c users whether you can have their customized ExternalDisplay.xml file...


    Ok, thanks. I have read most posts here and found out what to do indeed. will try to edit the externaldisplay.xml file asap.
    must say it was a breeze to install. just 5 minutes from connection to display!
    many thanks to you Joe.
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