knutinh said:It seems that the "clear lcd on power-down" bug is back?
I'll try it also when I'm home.
knutinh said:It seems that the "clear lcd on power-down" bug is back?
hansdegit said:Me too uses the the Soundgraph iMon USB driver v1. 0
Boelshit, have you tried hibernation in stead of suspend?
When MP kicks back in, the LCD is functioning correctly. I just don't like to see the LCD lit when the machine is in hibernation.
This my log, I clipped a few lines...
1-6-2006 22:12:25 Main: WM_POWERBROADCAST: 4
1-6-2006 22:12:25 Main: Windows is suspending
1-6-2006 22:12:25 ExternalDisplay: Processing status.
1-6-2006 22:12:25 ExternalDisplay: Sending lines to display.
1-6-2006 22:12:25 ExternalDisplay: Sleeping...
1-6-2006 22:12:46 ExternalDisplay: Processing status.
1-6-2006 22:12:46 ExternalDisplay: Sending lines to display.
1-6-2006 22:12:46 ExternalDisplay: Sleeping...
1-6-2006 22:12:46 ExternalDisplay: Sending lines to display.
1-6-2006 22:12:46 ExternalDisplay: Sleeping...
1-6-2006 22:13:14 ExternalDisplay: Processing status.
1-6-2006 22:13:14 Main: WM_POWERBROADCAST: 7
1-6-2006 22:13:14 Main: Windows has resumed from hibernate mode
1-6-2006 22:13:14 Main: Switch to home screen
1-6-2006 22:13:14 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow deinit
1-6-2006 22:13:14 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
1-6-2006 22:13:14 ExternalDisplay: Sending lines to display.
Notice anythin weird?
hansdegit said:BTW: Which event causes the plugin to search for DLPORTIO.dll? Sometimes, when I start MP, I'm bugged by a popup which says it can't find DLPORTIO.dll.