[WiP] madVR support in MP1 (5 Viewers)


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  • March 19, 2009
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    Greece Greece
    Alex did u try different version of intel drivers?
    If it works with copy back and doesnt with native then i would check different intel gpu drivers and different lav filters version.
    I would also check with "None" to force software decoding in lav.

    Did u modify somehow the cannel list overlay to make it work with madvr?
    I remember u said that u modified the tvguide, so i wonder if u did it also for channel list?
    I ask it cause if u press Enter to bring up channel list as overlay to a full screen video then madvr present queue drops to a max of 2 but it still works smooth. Now if u press Y to overlay the info menu then the present queue drops to a max of 2 BUT frames are dropping like mad.
    So i wonder what is different between the ENTER menu overlay and the Y menu overlay.
    Maybe if we find the difference we can figure out what is causing the issue.


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  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
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    France France
    hello Seb
    i have try the option for use EVR instead of Madvr for TV, but for me it don't work.
    i have checked the checkbox options under MadVr on renderer tabs

    Hi :)

    It's weird, i have tested again and EVR is in use, so no clue :(


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
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    France France
    Alex did u try different version of intel drivers?
    If it works with copy back and doesnt with native then i would check different intel gpu drivers and different lav filters version.
    I would also check with "None" to force software decoding in lav.

    Did u modify somehow the cannel list overlay to make it work with madvr?
    I remember u said that u modified the tvguide, so i wonder if u did it also for channel list?
    I ask it cause if u press Enter to bring up channel list as overlay to a full screen video then madvr present queue drops to a max of 2 but it still works smooth. Now if u press Y to overlay the info menu then the present queue drops to a max of 2 BUT frames are dropping like mad.
    So i wonder what is different between the ENTER menu overlay and the Y menu overlay.
    Maybe if we find the difference we can figure out what is causing the issue.

    I think the channel info was not modified, i need to look again but from memory it was related to TVGuide (but i'm not sure at 100%) i know that i force to not use something when madVR is in use (related to fontengine so maybe this part of code is also used elsewhere).

    About max queue to 2, it's related to renderlayer code and when a dialog / OSD / menu etc. is displayed, we tell madVR that something is displayed and then UI is fluid against Video.
    There was a workaround for this before because Topbar2 and OSD was always reported that it was displayed (but it was not) so when the workaround was to let madVR to max full queue even if topbar2 and OSD wasn't displayed.

    I changed that to handle (logically) properly but maybe it fully doesn't works.

    I can try to revert that part into a bin for testing and compare :)

    Also i remember that Tourettes noticed one thing (on TITAN) when used 'Y' on lower PC it can trigger some issue dropped frame for sure it was happening for bluray and it was because some null reference trigger, i remember a Jira about it but i didn't remember if it was fixed or not.


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
    Home Country
    France France
    About TVGuide : (GUIButton3PartControl.cs)

    // TODO must do a proper fix (Flickering on TVGuide)
            if (GUIGraphicsContext.VideoRenderer != GUIGraphicsContext.VideoRendererType.madVR ||
              _imageNonFocusedMid.OverlayFileName = OverlayFileNameTNFM;

    and from (GUIImage.cs)

                  // TODO must do a proper fix (Flickering on TVGuide
                  // Default behavior, draw the image texture with no mask.
                  DXNative.FontEngineDrawTextureSync(_packedTextureNo, _fx, _fy, _nw, _nh, _uoff, _voff,
                    _umax, _vmax, color, matrix);

    So what does it doing, first it doesn't set the png for '_imageNonFocusedMid.OverlayFileName' and then the second part is not trigger 'DXNative.FontEngineDrawTextureSync'
    It is the method 'DXNative.FontEngineDrawTextureSync' that trigger the flickering for TVGuide, now i don't know if that part is executed elsewhare but that's possible because this code are in GUIImage.


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
    Home Country
    France France
    U are right Y menu has issues on EVR as well.

    Thanks :) and it can be skin dependent.

    So the issue was already fixed for video or bluray on skin files :

    It was in Titan / videoOSD.xml, it was needed to remove both line :

    But maybe other skin files for TV trigger the issue.

    Can you try different skin ?

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