[WiP] madVR support in MP1 (12 Viewers)


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  • March 19, 2009
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    Greece Greece
    I am using ONLY UNC and I can confirm that setting EVR only for TV works.

    Regarding Y menu,

    It is broken on Default Wide, Titan and Pure Vision.

    I did find a TVOSD.xml but I could not find the "#percent" entries there to remove for testing so it is something else or I am blind lol.

    Attatched are log files of non working LEDS during 3D movies with Madvr.

    Leds off by default, I start the movie then I seek a bit forward and after that I enable leds, leds remain black BUT sometimes if I enable madvr CTRL + J stats then lets on the left side show the madr stats hehe. After that I stop the playback and navigate to a NON 3D movie and do the same there and leds are working perfectly.

    It seems that during 3D playback Atmolight is unable to capture the actual movie video layer and instead it is capturing the stats overlay layer of madvr.

    p.s. I am using latest madvr build from (113) and the latest Atmolight plugin with madvr support.
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  • April 3, 2012
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    yap, no evr here too. client v113 (sseat. still on v110)

    tried on two other clients (rtsp and unc) same results
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  • January 7, 2006
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    Attatched are log files of non working LEDS during 3D movies with Madvr.

    Leds off by default, I start the movie then I seek a bit forward and after that I enable leds, leds remain black BUT sometimes if I enable madvr CTRL + J stats then lets on the left side show the madr stats hehe. After that I stop the playback and navigate to a NON 3D movie and do the same there and leds are working perfectly.

    It seems that during 3D playback Atmolight is unable to capture the actual movie video layer and instead it is capturing the stats overlay layer of madvr.

    p.s. I am using latest madvr build from (113) and the latest Atmolight plugin with madvr support.

    Thanks for the logs, haven't played around with 3D mode yet but it indeed must not be getting the proper frame from madVR renderer :)
    @Sebastiii Any thoughts on this?


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
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    France France
    If DX11 used then it will not work otherwise does F11 to take a screenshot works ?
    If yes then it should be able to grab or maybe it can be related to some higher resolution ? :)


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
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    France France
    Hi :)
    V114, it should fix the TV EVR and i have try to fix the issue of madVR DXVA process failed or whatever message can happen so needed testing :)


    • Core_madVR_V114.zip
      2.6 MB


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  • March 19, 2009
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    Greece Greece
    I will try it now and report back later, for me EVR for TV only was working with v113 anyways, but i will try to see if 114 improves the "DXVA process failed" issue which rarely happens for me but lets see if it will never happen again.


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  • March 19, 2009
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    Greece Greece
    Seb, i think i know how u can reproduce the OSD flashing on ur iGPU.

    Set in Madvr setting the following:
    1. Scaling Algorithms
    Chroma Upscaling: Jinc + AR
    Image Upscaling: Lanczos
    Image Downscaling: Catmull-Rom
    2. Rendering
    Dithering: Ordered Dithering
    Trade Quality For Performance: UNCHECK Everything

    Then go into MP and make some tests to see if OSD is flashing.

    I think the reason some people cannot reproduce flashing is cause they got DXVA downscaling or upscaling active, with it active, OSD flashing is hard to reproduce.

    So make sure u don't use DXVA for Chroma or Luma processing.
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