[WiP] madVR support in MP1 (2 Viewers)


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  • January 31, 2008
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    Thanks for testing.

    THere is no mode 1080 3D to set, it's auto done between LAV and madVR but maybe the DRR involved break it :(
    Normally it should not needed to put back 4K in drr because i backup resolution and use that backup value to restore it but somehow it seems to not working.
    Can you add logs ?

    Here it come back to ,ative resolution (from the backup value) on my test but i don't have 4k.

    My test was done like this :
    1- Set Windows resolution to 720p
    2- start MP and start SBS or TAB
    3- It should change resolution to 1080p
    4- it return to 720p

    All works like this here, i need to test Frame packed tomorrow to confirm :)

    On my side its no returning to 720p
    Disabling MP MadVr option to Use internal Refresh rate, FramPacked works again


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  • January 31, 2008
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    Probably returns to PALHD mode, we need to ad PAL UHD or simply UHD and leave refresh rate on last used mode or may be because I use clone mode. Will test..

    Actually the Option Use internal refresh rate at this moment doesn't change the behaviour. With this option disabled I get same results. Resolution is changed to 1080p . LOL

    Here Logs
    the Option Use internal refresh rate was disabled for the test

    First MVC Avatar. Played 23:11 went to Frame paked 1080p and back to 4K on stop
    Second Rogue One TAB played 23:12. Video goes to 1080p MP GUI 3D by Auto3D. On video Stop GUI back to 1080p 50Hz and 2D. No 4K mode on return.
    Third Ratatouille SBS at 23:13 from 1080p 50Hz goes 1080p 24hz Auto 3D detects SBS but GUI remains 2D. At 23:16 Manually set (Ctrol+D) to SBS and GUI goes to SBS. No event sent to eventghost. Projector remains 2D. On Video stop GUI remains SBS and 1080p50Hz.

    You may see strange windows crash at 2304- disregard. I tried to use whatchdog first option but Auto3D gets disabled and went to a crash...
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  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
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    France France
    Hi :)

    I have added more log in this version :p
    Can you try both test (and done separate logs) ?
    1- with 720p (that should switch to 1080p and revert back to 720p on stop)
    2- with 4k (that should switch to 1080p and revert back to 4k on stop)

    Adding a restore to default to 4K can be a solution, will how to add that :p if i wasn't able to understand why it failed, keep in mind that internal MP DRR didn't handle resolution change but only the refresh rate value, so this feature need to be added in code :)
    Thanks :)

    Edit : Added bin (with fix log line wrong typo lol)
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  • January 31, 2008
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    Spain Spain
    Hi :)

    I have added more log in this version :p
    Can you try both test (and done separate logs) ?
    1- with 720p (that should switch to 1080p and revert back to 720p on stop)
    2- with 4k (that should switch to 1080p and revert back to 4k on stop)

    Adding a restore to default to 4K can be a solution, will how to add that :p if i wasn't able to understand why it failed, keep in mind that internal MP DRR didn't handle resolution change but only the refresh rate value, so this feature need to be added in code :)
    Thanks :)

    Edit : Added bin (with fix log line wrong typo lol)

    Here is the test. 11:35
    This time without Use Internal refresh rate.

    Starting resolution 4K 4.4.4 8bit Clone mode (secondary monitor 4K 4.4.4 12 bit)

    Avatar MVC played 3D Framepacket in 1080p. returned to 4k
    Second video TAB. resolution changed automatically to 1080p and Auto 3D properly detect video and change GUI to TAB (events sent to eventGhost). After stop, GUI to 2D but resolution remanin 1080p
    Third video SBS- Auto3D properly detects SBS but GUI remains 2D. Manually changed with Ctrl+D to SBS. GUI this time goes SBS but no events sent. On video stop, Auto3D detects video GUI to 2D but remains 3D SBS. Had to manually change to 2D.

    Second test 720p playback.
    TAB video started around 11:49. resolution from 720p to 1080p automatic. Events sent all good. On stop video mode remains 1080p. No change to 720p

    Test 3 with option use internal refresh rate start at 11:56
    Same results as before. 4k to 1080p TAB properly done. but remains 1080p after stop. No effect of internal refresh rate but cancels MVC 1080p Framepacket.

    here losgs

    Auto3D fails on SBS videos (it was good before subtitels mod)
    Resolution change from 4k to 1080p Works for SBS and TAB
    No return to previous resolution on video stop
    Use option Internal refresh rate blocks Framepacket
    Last edited:


    Development Group
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  • November 12, 2007
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    France France
    Thanks @alexdepalma will analyse logs :p

    About your conclusion :
    Auto3D working before the subtitle mod change, this is strange because subtitle mod has not changed detection code. => Btw selection to a manually SBS from menu works right ?
    Resolution change from 4K to 1080p (will look log and hope i will understand why the return didn't work :p)
    Use "Internal option" yep that possible it break analyse from madVR (but it should surely be the case even all new changes :p)


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  • November 12, 2007
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    France France
    Ok on stop it doesn't works because of this line :

    [2017-10-23 11:57:26,326] [Log ] [MPMain ] [INFO ] - RefreshRateChanger.AdaptRefreshRate: 'auto refreshrate changer' not going back to default refreshrate

    Will try to analyse why it happen for you but not for me here :p


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
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    France France
    @alexdepalma what is your settings there ?


    Can you check this option and see if the return works ? :)
    Will try to change the code to override it :p


    Development Group
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  • November 12, 2007
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    France France
    Here is the test. 11:35
    This time without Use Internal refresh rate.

    Starting resolution 4K 4.4.4 8bit Clone mode (secondary monitor 4K 4.4.4 12 bit)

    Avatar MVC played 3D Framepacket in 1080p. returned to 4k
    Second video TAB. resolution changed automatically to 1080p and Auto 3D properly detect video and change GUI to TAB (events sent to eventGhost). After stop, GUI to 2D but resolution remanin 1080p
    Third video SBS- Auto3D properly detects SBS but GUI remains 2D. Manually changed with Ctrl+D to SBS. GUI this time goes SBS but no events sent. On video stop, Auto3D detects video GUI to 2D but remains 3D SBS. Had to manually change to 2D.

    About MVC just to be clear, madVR with LAV Video detect the MVC mode then madVR trigger the 3D ON/OFF windows settings and when triggering this settings, (MP or not) FramePacked = 1080p resolution, so it's not even MP or madVR that change the resolution but Windows itself. I can't guarantee this at 100% because i don't know if exist other MVC format different of 1080p.

    Yep, i can confirm also the non return to 2D but it was like this from the start of Auto3D.
    If we manually switch to a 3D version SBS ot TAB, on stop it not always back to 2D (or maybe there is an option for that) but when Auto3D detect the correct mod in auto then it can be returned to 2D.

    I can confirm also that sometime the detection failed somehow, delay wrong analyse etc. but switching manually to a 3D mode (SBS or TAB) trigger the refresh rate to 1080p now (with the latest feature code) and it return it to default previous resolution on stop :p

    Can you log one case with a SBS movie to look what logs says ? :p

    In log we should have this (from your TAB log) :
    [Auto3D analyze thread] [INFO ] - Auto3D: Start Video Analysis
    [Auto3D analyze thread] [DEBUG] - Similarity: 0,967916666666667 - Fmt3DTAB
    [Auto3D analyze thread] [DEBUG] - Similarity: 0,975833333333333 - Fmt3DTAB
    [Auto3D analyze thread] [DEBUG] - Similarity: 0,97625 - Fmt3DTAB
    [Auto3D analyze thread] [DEBUG] - Similarity: 0,9775 - Fmt3DTAB
    [Auto3D analyze thread] [DEBUG] - Similarity: 0,972083333333333 - Fmt3DTAB
    [Auto3D analyze thread] [DEBUG] - Results(4) - Normal=0 - SBS3D=0 - TB3D=5
    [Auto3D analyze thread] [INFO ] - Auto3D: Video Analysis Finished: Switch TV to TAB 3D

    Example on mine :
    [Auto3D analyze thread] [DEBUG] - Similarity: 0.930416666666667 - Fmt3DSBS
    [Auto3D analyze thread] [DEBUG] - Results(4) - Normal=1 - SBS3D=4 - TB3D=0
    [Auto3D analyze thread] [DEBUG] - Similarity: 0.955833333333333 - Fmt3DSBS
    [Auto3D analyze thread] [DEBUG] - Results(5) - Normal=1 - SBS3D=5 - TB3D=0
    [Auto3D analyze thread] [DEBUG] - Similarity: 0.949791666666667 - Fmt3DSBS
    [Auto3D analyze thread] [DEBUG] - Results(6) - Normal=1 - SBS3D=6 - TB3D=0
    [Auto3D analyze thread] [INFO ] - Auto3D: Video Analysis Finished: Switch TV to SBS 3D
    [Auto3D analyze thread] [INFO ] - Auto3D: Begin SwitchToFormat
    [Auto3D analyze thread] [INFO ] - Auto3D: End SwitchToFormat

    Will try to catch a video :p

    Video will not work because as soon as the DRR is triggered, the recording stop lol :p


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  • January 31, 2008
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    @alexdepalma :)
    This attached dll should fix the return, i have override the check from the above option :p

    Yes there is also 720p 3D (oficialy existis)
    The option of "PALHD" changes refresh rate from 24 to 50Hz on video stop. (1080p ATM only).

    Auto3D working before the subtitle mod change, this is strange because subtitle mod has not changed detection code. => Btw selection to a manually SBS from menu works right ?
    Detection ALWAYS WORKS OK. But doesent get active on SBS. Yes manual selection works but no auto recover on stop. also no event sent to eventghost.
    TAB is ok

    Problem with SBS it seems Auto3D has logic for detection and another for activation. On SBS the activation doesn't work on my side. But the detected mode with the option "Show message on mode switch" active is shown always. And always the proper mode is detected, but not activated.

    New test. Play start at 13:50
    some times Auto3D doesent detect SBS nor TAB.
    Second play then it detects. 4k to 1080P works not ony if detected, if actually activates 3D GUI. ON TAB, always on SBS never. So I receive on SBS the Mode detection on Auto3D but gui remains 2D. and 4k. On manual mode, it comes 3D GUI and also 1080p.

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