It seems fine for me too. Closed to tray at lower resolution, increased the resolution and restored from tray and MP opens full screen at the correct resolution.
Actually, it may not be as fine as I thought. I added a hibernation cycle into the process while MP was minimised and after changing the screen res down. On resume, MP was relaunched fullscreen (at the lower screen res) but wouldn't respond to the mouse. ALT+F4 killed it but also generated a blue-screen crash. After the reset, neither MP nor the config app will load. TVService is running, presumably normally.
Logs from the time it all went wrong attached. I've done a full reinstall from scratch as I'm away for the weekend and there's an awful lot of UK motorsport I want to record
I know it's a big ask (and sorry for the necro-post) but does anyone know if the super-secret personal adjustment in this thread has survived into 1.18. I can't see it mentioned in the release notes but maybe it was just too minor to mention. I hope so, anyway.