In reply to SciDoctor's post, this works with NVIDIA cards as well. I have set the TV output as the primary display, but the CRT Monitor is still "Display 1", so my icons and taskbar are on the CRT. The NVIDIA Forceware drivers allows me to to set all windows and dialog boxes to open on a certain display, which I set to display 1 (the CRT). However, I ran into the same problem of MP still opening on display 1, which causes it to run up the CPU usage to 100%. It's wierd because if I click on the MP icon from the start menu, it opens on display 2 (the TV), with normal CPU usage. So, it is possible to have MP start on the TV display and have all other non-directX/overlay/3d acceleration dependant programs and windows and dialog boxes open on the CRT or LCD monitor as long as the TV is set as the primary display.