Mediaportal on secondary screen (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
October 20, 2004
In reply to SciDoctor's post, this works with NVIDIA cards as well. I have set the TV output as the primary display, but the CRT Monitor is still "Display 1", so my icons and taskbar are on the CRT. The NVIDIA Forceware drivers allows me to to set all windows and dialog boxes to open on a certain display, which I set to display 1 (the CRT). However, I ran into the same problem of MP still opening on display 1, which causes it to run up the CPU usage to 100%. It's wierd because if I click on the MP icon from the start menu, it opens on display 2 (the TV), with normal CPU usage. So, it is possible to have MP start on the TV display and have all other non-directX/overlay/3d acceleration dependant programs and windows and dialog boxes open on the CRT or LCD monitor as long as the TV is set as the primary display.



Thanks for the infomation. I have an VNidia GeForce 5900 Ultra and hope to be able to do the same thing once I get MP up and running.

With respect to opening on the second display, rather than having MP start with Windows, maybe you could try a having batch file that launches MP in the Windows Startup. This might simulate you starting MP from the program menu and thus get around the problem of starting in the first display?

Can you post details of the NVidia setup?

I'm looking to configure it with MP on the S-Video and a flat panel on the VGA output. Do you have to use both displays at the same resolution (640x480 for NTSC) or can you have them set to different resolutions (S-Video at 640x480, VGA at 1280x1024)?



Portal Member
October 20, 2004
No problem jsteele! And thanks for the tip about the batch file. I'll give that a try.

About the dual monitor setup, here are the steps I went through:
Driver Version: 66.93.
01. First, I went into the Advanced Display Properties (Settings tab, then click "Advanced" and clicked the tab for my video card (GeForce4 MX 420).
02. Next, I clicked on "Desktop Management" on the left side.
03. Then I enabled nView Desktop Manager.
04. Once that was enabled, I went back to the options on the left side and clicked "nView Display Settings".
05. For "nView Display Mode", I selected "Dualview" (you may have to reboot the computer to get this option).
06. You should now see a picture for each of your displays with a number associated with it. In my case, my PC monitor is display 1 and the TV is display 2. I clicked the picture for my TV and checked the "Make this the primary display" check box.
07. Then I expanded the "Desktop Management" option to show it's sub-options and clicked the one that says "Windows".
08. Under "Open windows on:" I clicked the drop down arrow and selected "Display 1" and under "Reposition dialog boxes on:" I selected "Display 1" from the drop down list. I left all other settings unchanged.
That should be it (Whew...Gasp!! :lol: ).

However, like I said in my previous post, I can only open Media Portal on display 2 (TV) if I select it from the start menu (from the list of frequently used programs). I'll try to create a batch file that can automate that for me like you suggested. Also, as your going through my steps, keep in mind that you may have to apply certain settings before getting to the next. One more note, other apps that open full screen will most likely open on display 2 (TV) as well.

The answer to your last question is YES! :wink:
I kept my PC Monitor at 1024x768 and set the TV to 640x480 and MP still opened on the TV display (again, from the start menu) and all other windows and apps opened on the PC monitor.

I hope this all works for you. Good Luck!


Portal Member
May 26, 2005
I got jagual's setup to work, and would like to use this so that I could be able to work on my monitor while running Media Portal on my TV, but the Nvidia drivers does not support some additional features i want to use.

I'm currently running TV Tool to manage my Nvidia graphics card settings, because:

With TVTool i can automatically switch between TV mode and Monitor mode with a keyboard shortcut(ctrl-alt-f1, I've arranged it so that the power button on my remote acts as this shortcut).
When in Monitor mode I've switched off the TVout, but when i use the remote's power button(same as ctrl-alt-f1), I turn the TVout back on, and at the same time starts Media Portal. When I switch off Media Portal, TV Tool automatically goes back to Monitor mode.
But sadly enough i havent been able to run MP on my Telly while i work on my monitor.

I have tried to use your settings with the NVIDIA drivers, but I cannot simultaneously use TV Tool to manage the shortcut, because it will cause TV Tool to crash.

Anyone who have a solution to this?

Filip Van de Peer

Portal Member
September 13, 2005
Antwerp, Belgium
MP on monitor AND TV works perfect!!

This is odd guys:

I've got two nvidia cards and two monitors hooked up to it, AND my TV on the s-video out.
Since the beginning I was able to surf on 1 monitor, watch MP on the second monitor (which is completely built in the wall as a real multimedia interface), and when I switch on my TV and put it on S-video, I got exactly the same picture as the MP-monitor. Worked perfect for me!!

The trouble is that for some reason I can't get it to work that way anymore since a couple of days, and I can't find why or what I changed.
Now it just shows a third wallpaper and I can get to the TV screen with my mouse and so, but it does become a mirror of MP anymore.
It worked for WinDVD as well, and also that I can't get to work anymore.

But as I understand, you all think that it is impossible by definition. Hell no!

MP rules! but with a lot of configuring...

Filip Van de Peer

Portal Member
September 13, 2005
Antwerp, Belgium
So it is a nvidea driver configuration question

My former mail was an answer to the first of the 3 existing post pages about this topic. Only after posting I saw that it was posted at the end of a list of messages that I had not seen.

So I first had to read further.

Anyway, it worked perfet for me.
I'll try to focus on the nvidia settings...



Portal Member
September 17, 2005
Home Country
I tried MP with Theater Mode:
Graphics card is ATI, Extended Desktop must be set OFF;
Display Properties, Settings, Advanced, Displays. TV button must be OFF (red). Click on red button, resolution goes to 1024x768 automatically. On TV panel there are two blue buttons (left: Clone mode, right: Theater mode), choose right button. Then Apply and choose from Menu "Overlay". Control panel gives you a warning, click OK and choose "Theater mode options". Overlay Display mode set to Theater Mode, and that's it.
Now on monitor and TV are same desktop but when you start My TV or Videos, then movie window goes automatically to fullscreen on TV, but remains to window mode on PC monitor.


New Member
December 27, 2005
I have it working on a secondary display at 720x576, ATI Radeon 9250 card. There are only a few niggles, but it's very useable.

Problems - a single right click on the primary display desktop crashes it.
Other resolutions are very flaky, the mouse pointer doesn't line up with menu items, and it crashes a lot more.

What would appear to be a simple thing to fix is for it to remember the startup settings of secondary display, resolution and full screen, but I have to set this every time. I've had a poke about in the xml config files to find those settings but I can't find them.


Portal Member
December 14, 2005
Home Country
New Zealand New Zealand
I thought i would just comment on the issues i have with my setup. I have MP on a laptop and using a large CRT monitor for the output.
My laptop wont make the CRt the primary display in dual mode (this is normal supposidly) so this rules out the option suggested above. Also using the clone option and 'full screen video' mode from nvidia works good as long as MP is aways active. As soon as another window on is used and MP goes to the background it locks up so is pretty annoying. Not sure what else to try. If anyone else has suggestions it would be great.
I tried out GBPVR and didnt like it although did test and like the option they had to always display on secondary monitor which worked a treat although they must use another method to aviod this directx issue

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