MediaPortal SVN-Snapshot:-01-08-2010 02-15h - Revision:24669.rar (1 Viewer)

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  • December 26, 2004
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    Re: AW: Re: AW: MediaPortal SVN-Snapshot:-01-08-2010 02-15h - Revision:24669.rar

    We also need your TsReader.log which is not in your zip from your previous post.

    Ok. Did some more testing... there was no TsReader.log, because the TsReader is not used for the m2ts files. The logs attached where made with first playing a .ts file and then a .m2ts file (the same as in the logs before). Both files run smooth in windows media player and checked it with graphedit, also same codecs are used.

    outside MP -> .ts and .m2ts works fine; inside MP -> .ts fine, .m2ts video stucks and sound is playing fine.

    used codecs MPC-MPV and MPC-MPA
    You can not use MPC-MPV for HD playback unless your HD content is mpeg2 - and even then you would have a 80%CPU load on an Core2Duo.
    (did you monitor the CPU load?)

    I have several 1080p25 m2ts files here, created with my Panasonic camera. plays nicely.


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  • October 17, 2007
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    AW: MediaPortal SVN-Snapshot:-01-08-2010 02-15h - Revision:24669.rar

    cpu load is low... can not say exactly how low, but not over ~40%. MP takes a load of 10-30.

    i use the MPCVideo for most HD content. i can upload the sample if you want, but its about 80MB.

    How could you explain the difference between Windows Media Player and MP playback?


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  • December 24, 2007
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    Re: AW: MediaPortal SVN-Snapshot:-01-08-2010 02-15h - Revision:24669.rar

    I noticed that zapping speed is noticebly slower compared to 1.0.2.
    For testing I just removed the prefer AC3 audio setting which improves zapping speed a lot.
    Is this an inherent necessity or simply a bug?


    Should not be slower. Please attach logs with and without prefer AC3.
    Fixing another issue could do something on this. I would like to check.


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  • November 19, 2008
    Purmerend, Holland
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    Re: AW: Re: AW: MediaPortal SVN-Snapshot:-01-08-2010 02-15h - Revision:24669.rar

    @infinityloop: There is a small text problem in the NL (dutch) strings file. "<String id="63">Initialiseren van invoer apparaten...<tabs here></String>"
    This gives 2 squares. Should be "<String id="63">Initialiseren van invoer apparaten...</String>"

    Greetings and thanks for this SVN. My testing is just only the CI menu right check popups and the freezing TV issue (skipping back+forward fixes it).
    I'm still running on XP3 and it's more stable then ever on last 553 SVN. Hope these issues are fixed.


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  • January 7, 2005
    Re: AW: MediaPortal SVN-Snapshot:-01-08-2010 02-15h - Revision:24669.rar

    I noticed that zapping speed is noticebly slower compared to 1.0.2.
    For testing I just removed the prefer AC3 audio setting which improves zapping speed a lot.
    Is this an inherent necessity or simply a bug?


    Should not be slower. Please attach logs with and without prefer AC3.
    Fixing another issue could do something on this. I would like to check.

    0002591: Slow zapping when the "Prefer AC-3 sound" option is enabled - MediaPortal Bugtracker

    But it has been confirmed to not to be an issue currently... maybe it still is... so logs... please...


    Portal Pro
    June 16, 2007
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    AW: Re: AW: MediaPortal SVN-Snapshot:-01-08-2010 02-15h - Revision:24669.rar

    I noticed that zapping speed is noticebly slower compared to 1.0.2.
    For testing I just removed the prefer AC3 audio setting which improves zapping speed a lot.
    Is this an inherent necessity or simply a bug?


    Should not be slower. Please attach logs with and without prefer AC3.
    Fixing another issue could do something on this. I would like to check.

    Here we are.
    First some zapping with AV3 prefer off, then the same zapping with option turned on.
    I only chose unscambled channels.



    Portal Pro
    May 9, 2008
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    Re: MediaPortal SVN-Snapshot:-01-08-2010 02-15h - Revision:24669.rar


    with this SVN MP seems to hang machine on automatic standby (after 5 min. in my setting). It just shuts down MP and then I can see as usual the windows dialoge: "Windows is preparing for standby" but then nothing happens anymore. I even cant open the task manager or do anything else, it just seems for me as if my machine hangs. But when I standby MP using my remote, then it works without problems, so it seems to appear only when MP is idle!? This was no problem in last svn.

    Logs attached, hope there is something cause I had to reset my machine on the hanging standby dialogue:
    View attachment 53085

    Anybody a clue if thios is a ne introduced bug?



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  • December 26, 2004
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    Re: AW: MediaPortal SVN-Snapshot:-01-08-2010 02-15h - Revision:24669.rar

    i use the MPCVideo for most HD content. i can upload the sample if you want, but its about 80MB.
    aaahhhh!!! you talk about their h.264 codec, not the one (MPC-MPV) bundled with MediaPortal, right?

    How could you explain the difference between Windows Media Player and MP playback?
    i guess that it uses a different codec.


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  • October 1, 2007
    Roma, Italia
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    Re: AW: MediaPortal SVN-Snapshot:-01-08-2010 02-15h - Revision:24669.rar

    I noticed that zapping speed is noticebly slower compared to 1.0.2.
    For testing I just removed the prefer AC3 audio setting which improves zapping speed a lot.
    Is this an inherent necessity or simply a bug?


    Should not be slower. Please attach logs with and without prefer AC3.
    Fixing another issue could do something on this. I would like to check.

    0002591: Slow zapping when the "Prefer AC-3 sound" option is enabled - MediaPortal Bugtracker

    But it has been confirmed to not to be an issue currently... maybe it still is... so logs... please...

    Yep,and i still can't confirm that,zapping speed is the same here with AC-3 option disabled or enabled...SD--->SD is almost instant here (sameTP) and HD --> HD is 2-3 seconds ...and for me MP has never been that fast


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  • October 17, 2007
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    AW: MediaPortal SVN-Snapshot:-01-08-2010 02-15h - Revision:24669.rar

    sorry... you are right. I mean the h264 codec ;)

    i promise, I double checked everything with graphedit! MP and Windows Media Player are using the same codecs on this file! The MPC-MPA and the h.264 codec of MPC. And if I connect to the remote graph of MP and use this to play the file, it runs smooth within graphedit.

    Are there any background processes within MP? Could it be the Thumbnail thing?
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