Could please anyone take notice of my post?
Since this SVN i have Problems with my Microsoft MCE V2-Remote.
I installed the MCE-Driver found here in the Download-Section and it works nice with RC1. Now since this SVN, it seems like MediaPortal "forgets" some Keys of my Remote. I can not use the Channel up and Channel down-Button when i watch TV and the second Problem is, that, when i press the Ok-Button on this Remote, normally comes a windows with the current Films and Shows. Now is there nothing. The Window appears, but its empty.
Can anyone confirm this Behavior? Its strange, think my Remote is ok. Tested it under RC1 and it works like a charm.
I formatted my HDD and re-installed Windows and anything else. So it cant be an error caused by an older Installation of MP.
Logs needed?
Best regards.
I have the exact same problem since the 2 last svn builds. I gave up and I'm now using my Hauppage remote instead. If you find anything please report here !
Hey Movzip,
nice to hear that i am not the only one. Bad for you that you have the same Problem. Which Driver do you use? I use: MediaPortal - Mediacenter - - M C E remote driver
and tried this one: MediaPortal - Mediacenter - - MCE Remote Replacement Driver
Both the same behavior.
Any ideas?
You could try the native XP one.What about the Driver?
Hey Simon,
where can i get the native one? Sorry, but i have no idea. For Information: I use XP-Home, not MCE.
Best regards.