MediaPortal SVN-Snapshot:-09-20-2008 10-52h - Revision:20268.rar (2 Viewers)


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  • December 5, 2004
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    It seems that every time a recording starts, tv service crashes silently in the background and MP freezes for a while.
    If I do nothing at this point, I get an empty recording file...
    Stopping MP, starting tv service again and starting MP again and the recording starts correctly...

    I did a totally clean installation, and this seems to hapen allmost every time a recording should start :(

    Hi Kkendall,
    if this is related to recording on your analog card, and this is the problem, then you should revert back to svn of 14-9. This weekends svn has same problem.



    Documentation Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 15, 2007
    Home Country
    Switzerland Switzerland
    I have the same problem. Can I just rename the directory "C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal_BACKUP_09-20_12-09" to "C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal" or is there more to restoring the previous configuration?
    If this is due to changes in the TV Server, it might be more difficult. It doesn't look as though SVN installation bothers to back up the TV Server installation.
    Any tips are welcome!

    P.S. After looking a little closer at the TV Server installation, I realized that I should be able to restore it by performing the default uninstall (leaving the DB) and then installing the SVN from 19 Sept. That's what I'm trying now, together with replacing the directories "C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal" and "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Anwendungsdaten\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal" with the backup versions.

    P.P.S. For anyone who cares, the above method seems to have produced the desired results.


    Portal Pro
    July 29, 2007
    Just to get back on my PowerScheduler problem: It's TVService that's preventing the system to go into standby. How I found out: I tried to go into standby - didn't work, so I tried to restart TVService.... The second the server stopped, Windows went into standby, so somehow it was "waiting" for TVService to stop.

    Another thing: I can go into standby once... The second and further times I try don't work. UNLESS I reboot or restart TVService. Restarting Mediaportal has no effect.

    Hope this helps (this and the logs attached to my previous mail of course).


    MP Donator
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  • December 14, 2007
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    Canada Canada
    Since SVN20339 is broken for TV users and there won't be any SVN releases until RC3, I think comskip plugin in TVServer is broken. I have it set to run after the recording is done, but it never runs.


    Portal Pro
    October 1, 2006
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    I no not know if this problem has been reported but
    if I pu my HTPC to sleep (swedish is väntläge, not saving memory to disc), without turning mp off first, an error occurs on power on.
    mp complaints about rendering problems and will not start, just hangs im memory(zombie)


    Portal Pro
    January 5, 2007
    Home Country
    United States of America United States of America
    Personally I hate wmp11 ... it has really nasty features.. if MP can be run without it.. I would really favour that..
    (one of the things is the drm.exe that runs ALWAYS and seems to me like spyware.. )...

    You must have installed something related to digital rights management or actually have spyware because drm.exe should not be running always. I have been using WMP11 for a while and I have never seen this file running ever and its not on my drive either so it is certainly not a dependency of WMP11.

    check again.. its really there.. its not called drm.exe... (was just a figure of speech)
    (do you really think MS would call it DRM.exe ? :D)
    Its called mfpmp.exe
    and eats away your cpu cycles always.... even where there is a non drm file being played..

    on slow computers it takes up so much cpu that it cannot play movies anymore, which with other players like vlc would be no problem..

    Try google with mfpmp.exe you will be in for a surprise :D

    Nope not there on my system. I looked it up in google like you said and everybody that was complaining had Vista. Uhh there's your problem right there. I wouldn't touch Vista with a 10 foot clown pole. XP will be supported until like 2015. What's the rush to switch?

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