Right, I didn't know that. I just wait till the update is found by itself. I'll let you know if the connection problem is fixed with the new version. Thanks for creating this app, really appreciated!
Rowdy, just to let you know...the new 'log / info'-screen stays on top and blocks everything else...and still haven't got it working. Gonna try opening up the ports on the router now...maybe that helps.
Update: Nope, log tells me 'TimedOut - Could not connect to host <ip-adres>:<WiFi-RemotePort>'.
However, what I don't get. I did not scan the WifiRemote QR-code, but the MPExtended QR-code, still MetroPortal tries to connect to the WifiRemote port.....part of the problem maybe?
Update 2: OK, the ports of MPExtended aswell as WifiRemote change when I change them in their respective configuration tool, so I suspect this is 'by design'. However I keep getting the 'Could not connect to host'-message. So no luck for me.
Update 3: Probably a WifiRemote issue...can't connect to it with its own DemoClient aswell....
Update 4: Finally! Got it working. Turns out MediaPortal needs to be running for MetroPortal to find WifiRemote...so starting mediaportal with the remote won't be possible I guess.
WifiRemote is a display plugin, so it's indeed only active when MediaPortal runs...
I'm not sure if the MPExtended team will or has implemented it, they seem to focus more on providing services for data and the web frontend WebMediaPortal, not so much user input for MP. But I'll ask them on IRC. Mostly MediaPortal will be configured to automatically start up and then you won't have this problem... I'm planning to implement something to send a WOL command to your MediaPortal PC though, so you can indeed boot your MediaPortal PC with the remote... In the future...
Edit; MPExtended can indeed start/stop Mediaportal. (and some more nifty options) So I could add that in a future version...
OK, first of all this app looks so amazing that I downloaded it right away and start playing with it....at least that was the plan.
So I have followed the installation guide. MPExtended is installed, all provided links can be found local and external with another PC it first did not work but manual adding the port in in windows firewall did the trick.
however, I am still unable to access MP with my windows phone. It tries to connect and after a while it gives a timeout. After reinstalling MPExtended, the app, opening another port than the default, removing and adding new users etc etc I am lost.....
So can anybody help me out with a test such that I can find out what is causing my problem?
I just can't seem t o get the app to connect. Have followed the advice you gave to other people. The firewall is turned off on the Mediaportal PC but I keep getting the error "Connection refused; Could not connect to host" I have wifi remote setup to connect with a passcode and are sure that it is the right one on both app and pc. Any clue to what might be the problem?